Chapter four - Letting go of the past

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On Thursday afternoon ,after classes Sakura was called by her group's advisory teacher, Kakashi. In room 17 , Kakashi quietly eyed her before asking "why do you withdraw yourself ? " Sakura flinched and tugged  her hoodie lower and looked down "because I want to " At this the teacher eyed her again. "Life is all about communication, you know ?"


"Sakura it's been three weeks here and you haven't talked to anyone let alone your own group , sasuke and naruto told me you withdraw yourself and barely talk"
"Sensei ....I hav- ....I do" sakura tried speaking but instead swallowed the  heavy lump forming on her throat trying to bring down painful memories.
"Name a person who knows where you stay or the home of a person you've ever  been to " Kakashi asked plainly .


" I thought so ... Sakura silence though may be a form of expression but it isn't always the effective answer. Some things in life are best experienced  when spoken about , problems decrease in magnitude when spoken about ,happiness is maximised when spoken about therefore at least learn to cooperate with your group mates ...... at least them"

A small nod.

"Remember my question and think about it , don't forget your cooperation in this group adds to your final grade" another small nod. At this point Sakura was fighting back tears ,the lump on her throat hardening more as memories threatened to surface.

A ten year old sakura sat on her desk a swarm of girls around her. She was trying to keep her head down but the girls pulled at her hair.
"Disgusting pink hair" one girl screeched.
"Hideous huge forehead" another said probing her forehead . It hurt .
" Pathetic girl"
Sakura's tears flowed like a stream
At home that evening the girl tried talking to her mother. "M-mom?"
Her mom barely glanced up from her laptop "sorry honey ,I'm busy right now maybe later?" But of course later ment never , it would never come "o-okay"

Kakashi saw how shaken up his student was. Tears were threatening to pour down but Sakura was trying to restrain herself . Kakashi hesitantly put his hand on her head , she looked up with glassy eyes. "It's okay" he said simply. He may not know Sakura much but the look on her face reminded him of himself.

A time where he used to be silent thinking it took care of the pain but clearly it didn't. He was grateful for friends like Obito ,Rin . His group mates who made him see a better light and he knew Sakura would find that in hers if she'd let them. But for now she'd let her pour down her tears and he gave her shoulders a small squeeze and a small one sided awkward hug.

Minutes later she was done and he gave her a closed eye smile . She sniffed "th-anks s-sensei". "Just try to socilaize even a little okay ?"  He said as she was leaving , she nodded ,composed herself and left the room smiling back at her teacher.


-as a child bullying often happens and to be frankly it hurts to be criticized for something you can't control. What hurts even more sometimes is when you can't talk to your parents cause their always busy.
The world right now is standing up against GBV( gender based  violence) and I feel like bullying whether your male or female falls into that category . So let's take a stand to stand up against it. -lincystarz.

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