chapter five- Weird conversations at lunch

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Sakura gathered her courage , took a deep breath before opening the door to the cafeteria and heading straight for the Konoha 12 lunch table. Chatter was filled across it and quickly calming her mind ,she put up a small smile.

"Hi" she said not too loud ,nor too low. Hoping it didn't come out as forced or a croak. Everybodies eyes turned toward her and everyone had different reactions. Some wore shocked looks like Kiba and Lee, some wore happy ones that she could finally speak like Hinata and Ino and the rest of them were just neutral though they nodded back in return like Neji and Sasuke.

She quickly took her seat between Ino and surprisingly sasuke,bringing out her container of fruity pieces and syrup she brought everyday. During the process of eating her fruity goodies she heard a mumble and snapped her head to the right. Sasuke feeling eyes on him turned too and his eyes met hers.

Onyx clashed with emerald. "Excuse me?" Sakura asked quietly. "Why do you like fruity pieces?" "Why do you like tomatoes?" Sakura asked having eyed Sasuke's lunch which have two small rice balls and three ripe tomatoes.

"I like them" " I like them too" sakura returned with a shrug before deciding she had said enough and going back to her lunch. Sasuke eyed the small container no tiny container she had of fruity pieces. To him the small less than ten centimeter ten fruity pieces didnt seem like filling.

"Here " sakura whipped around to see a fruity energy  bar "that lunch doesn't look filling" sasuke said with plain voice a straight face before shrugging and excusing himself leaving the pinkette to stare at the bar. "Hey sakura! Are you gonna eat  that or should I ? " Naruto called from the chair beside sasuke's.

She frowned slightly ,did she need the bar ? No . Did she want to give the bar away ? Now here she couldn't bring herself to give the bar away ,was it cause of the fruity flavour of it ? Or cause who gave it to her ? "No" she replied before stuffing the bar into her hoodies pocket . Naruto just shrugged and  returned to his ramen and her to her thoughts . Soon the bell rang and sakura had to pile her thoughts for later.

That night when she was doing some homework on her laptop while sitting on top of her bed. She got tired and unconsciously hit her stomach only to hit something hard that was in her hoodies pocket . The fruity energy bar. She brought it out and stared at it . Never in her life had she been giving a thing let alone a bar because someone felt her lunch wasn't filling. Why had he done that ?.

She let her thoughts slide as she slowly ate the treat. It was tasty and energizing too. She continued her assignment but one thought suddenly hit her 'i forgot to thank him'.

"And that is all for today my youthful students! Your dismissed ! " Mr Maito Guy called out at the end of P.E. . Sakura was sweating from head to toe because of the intense training Guy did. She was soo tired she felt onto the floor and was heavily panting. Seconds later she saw a shadow before her. Looking up she saw Sasuke holding a bottle of water out for her with a small smirk that clearly said 'i dare you to refuse this water'. Sakura just laughed internally before accepting the bottle with a small gratified smile as sasuke left the gym.

It had been like this since the fruity bar incident . The next day she had run up and thanked him but he just shrugged it off. At lunch though he would leave her a fruity bar or a energy drink in her locker which she would eat later. It became a ritual until the nods they gave each other turned to  hi's then questions then conversations. To be truthful she felt comfortable around sasuke than the entire Konoha 12. At times when he smiled at her ,her heart rate would pick up but she just ignored it. And even then like today he had been kind enough to offer her a water bottle to which she was grateful for.


- Small things you do for a person matter sometimes. You may never know how much it helps or impacts or changes someone even in the slightest way. Small things make a big difference to the world -lincy starz

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