chapter seven- Friends?

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For the rest of the day they spent their time shopping and visiting different stores and boutiques. Slowly by slowly sakura felt herself getting comfortable with the other three girls . Ino was the loudest but had great social skills ,same was with Tenten and Hinata. One funny moment was when they bumped into Naruto and his mom shopping.

Naruto bumped into Hinata knocking her bags to the ground but due to his attention on a video game on a shop window, he didn't bother helping her and ran off. Hinata being polite started picking up her bags but Kushina , Naruto's mom, wouldn't have it. She quickly went after Naruto and dragged him back pulling his ear telling him to 'act like a gentleman'. It was funny seeing Naruto absolutely deflated against his mom who was absolutely livid. Hinata was just giggling.

Another moment was when in some store, some dudes tried to hit on Hinata and Ino. Tenten wouldn't have it and threatened them with a kunai. The real question was "where did you get that kunai?" The three of them asked Tenten. She just shrugged "places" before putting in back in her boot. But to be truthful the expression on the guys faces was priceless

"So Sakura, do you like anyone in  konoha yet ??" Ino asked while they were resting on a bench. Sakura thought about it. She only had a few friends but she didn't think she had reached the level of 'like' with any of them not even Sasuke. He was the only one out of the group whom she talked much with and she enjoyed their conversations. But she didn't like him.
He was good looking and a great person BUT she didn't like him that way.

"Soooooooo?" Ino piped up not wanting to miss the chance of a potential couple. "I've only been here a few weeks to like someone ,Ino " Sakura shook her head. Ino deflated and looked disappointed but it was covered up by hinata asking a question "why do you like covering your hair Sakura?"

Sakura froze and flinched. An action that didn't go unnoticed by the others.
"It's okay if you don't want to" "No! It's just ...... It's just I'm not comfortable showing off my hair right now ,I would but - but I can't" she said almost choking. She felt a hand on her shoulder "it's fine , if your not comfortable then we won't force you, were your friends sakura , don't ever think otherwise" Tenten said with a small smile. Ino and Hinata shared the same look and nodded before surprising her with a giant hug. She almost flinched again but the action was comforting almost calming and she relaxed. "Thanks guys" she whispered ."though I am curious to what your hair looks like though" and they just laughed.

Sakura kept thinking over the words all weekend and through the school days whenever she met the Konoha 11 ,now 12 , a thing naruto announced since she came. No one pressurized her or did something out of her comfort zone. And for such great friends she was grateful. They accepted her the way she was , as Sakura in her black hoodie and quiet manner. She had always feared having friends but now looking at these people she felt maybe it won't be so bad.

Maybe just this once she could relish the feeling  of having 'friends'. Even Kakashi Sensei had been helping her the past weeks and seemed content with the small progress she was making.

She allowed herself to let her guard down, even if it was a little bit.

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