chapter eleven- Confrontations

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Waking up round nine on sunday to get ready to go out, sakura quickly took a bath changed into warm clothes and of course wore her moms pendant around her neck. It made her feel at peace a bit due to her growing nervousness 'what will they think after me ditching them? how will they react? ' Her thoughts were mixed up and relentless and became even more distorted when she thought of Sasuke. Calming herself down she went downstairs for breakfast. 

Ten minutes later she was in her car driving off to the ice skating centre. There weren't many people around just the occasional couple and guard. Showing her ticket to the one in charge he directed her to ring 3c which was where she'd find her friends  "Sakura you made it" a loud voice called out to her. Turning her head she saw Naruto, Hinata, Shino, Tenten, Lee and the rest expect for Ino and Sasuke. 'great he isn't here' never the less she shyly gave everyone a 'hi' nervous of their reactions. "girl where have you been?lunch seemed dull without you, you know! " Kiba spoke breaking the tense atmosphere. 

"I'm sorry was going through a rough patch" she mumbled. Mostly nodded and seemed to understand her. None judged her. "just say something next time, we're your friends, believe it! "Naruto shouted. Everyone nodded in agreement. She felt her heart swell but she shook the feeling off. "OMG SAKURA YOU LOOK SOOOO CUTE!!!"a chirpy voice sounded signalling the arrive of Ino. Sakura was wearing knee length pink boots, a black jean, a big grey wool sweater, pink gloves and had ditched the usual hoodie and beanie for a bobby wool hat. She did look cute. 

Her gaze then feel on Sasuke who was also looking at her surprised probably that she actually came. Onyx clashed with emerald for the first time since the closet incident and sakura found hersef trying to look away . Keyword; tried. Sasuke only smiled back at her " welcome back......Sakura blossom" she felt her heart swell and heat flooded to her cheeks tinting them a slight pink. she returned the smile before diverting her eyes. everyone was already on the ice and was having fun. Hyperactive people like Naruto, Lee and Kiba were trying some moves which mostly ended up with them falling. 

Sasuke had been itching to talk to Sakura since the incident and took the opportunity when he saw her casually skating on the ring alone. he skated up to her till they were in sync. Sakura tensed up and she found herself tugging her hat. the action didnt go unnoticed by Sasuke "wanna get hot chocolates?" he asked startling Sakura who was  expecting a retort for her pink hair. Nodding they excused themsleves and went to get hot chocolates for thmeselves and the others. The journey was silent  and Sasuke paid for 16 chocolates (you know Naruto might drink more) before heading back. Sakura couldn't take the silence and spoke.

"why are you still talking to me?"           "you wanted me not to?"                         "no b- " "then thats your answer. "hows the holiday?" Sasuke asked         "good so far"                                                "and your grades?"  report cards had been sent out a day ago and Sakura had gotten mostly A's and a couple of B's 

"A's and a couple of B's"                            "hn as expected from a smart girl"         "thanks" she looked at him curiously as they sat down in the stands watching the others. Naruto was now skating hand in hand with Hinata backwards. Tenten and Neji seemed to be in their own world. Ino, Kiba and Shikamaru were testing out a move and the rest were doing who knows what. 


Sorry everyone for the late update. Schools been keeping me busy and will for the next couple of months. I hope you all understand. The story wil be continuing and isn't discontinued. Got a long way to go to finish it so don't lose hope. ----lincystarz

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