chapter sixteen - New Faces.

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The girl called Lady Temari skated over.
"Are you alright?" She asked them. "Yeah" they all responded. "I think I mi-might need some cream a-a boy grabbed m-my wrist and it is turning r-red" Hianta said shyly.
"Come to my place , it's near from here" the sandy blonde girl said.
"How sure are we you aren't a kidnapper?" Tenten said cautiously.
The girl just laughed. "Come on"

Somehow all four girls found themselves in the mayor's mansion. "Umm why are we in the mayor's mansion?" Tenten asked cautiously again.
"Cause I live here" the girl who had introduced herself as Temari on the way said.
"You what?" "Who exactly are you?" Ino and Hinata asked simultaneously. Temari just grinned.
"I live here cause I'm the mayor's daughter". Jaws dropped.
"Nowonder the guys at the ring were scared of you!" Tenten exclaimed.

"Come on ,let's sit down in the living room and get Hinata sorted out". In the living room they found two boys seated. They seemed to be playing shogi. One was a brunnete with purple make-up? And the other a redhead with heavy eyeliner? "Who are they?" The brunnete asked. "The don't look from around here" the redhead stated.

Temari gestured for them to introduce themselves. "Hi. I'm Yamanaka Ino"
"Hyuuga Hinata"
"Tenten, just Tenten"
" Haruno Sakura"
"Kankuro" said the brunnete.
"Gaara" said the redhead. "and as you already know. I'm Temari. These are my brothers".
Gaara looked at them again and as if some gears had popped into place into his mind he asked. " You said Hyuuga. The Hyuuga as in those from Konoha?" Hinata nodded. He turned his gaze to Sakura. "Are you related to Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno?" "Yes there my parents". "Aaaah alright. Nice to meet you then.

"So you guys are from Konoha?" Kankuro asked. "What are you beautiful ladies doing so far from home?"
"We're on a class field trip" Tenten answered.
"Oh nice, we actually went on ours a while back." He said. "Where was it?" Ino asked.
"It was in the land of snow". Temari said while helping Hinata. "We got to meet the famous Yukie Fujikaze.*Apparently she's the land of snows princess too" Temari said.
"OMG!! Yukie Fujikaze is the princess to the land of snow?" Ino squealed. "I didn't know !"
"I know right? Who knew!?!" And this got Ino and Temari into a full discussion about Yukie Fujikaze and her amazing movies.

"Why don't they talk alot" Sakura mumbled. "You don't say" Gaara agreed.

That evening they had returned to the resort they were staying at. After dinner and they girls decided to call it a day leaving the boys to talk about their experiences that day. After a while Sakura could not sleep and decided to go for a walk. She lay on a grassy area beyond the pool and looked up to the stars. She did not expect a certain Uchiha to find her there. "Can't sleep?" He asked laying next to her. "How do you like Suna so far?" "It's not bad".

After some seconds of silence Sasuke spoke again. "Sakura"
"Your beautiful"
She turned her head to look at him in surprise. Onyx clashed with emerald but this time no one bothered to look away. Sakura moved a bit closer to Sasuke. It was somehow comforting being with him. And soon enough she found herself engulfed in his arms.
"Don't forget that" he whispered as he planted a kiss softly on her forehead. No words might not have been uttered but to them a thousand where spoken.

It was then Sakura realised that she might like this raventte. Maybe probably the day he had sent her a fruity bar. They understood each other without words. She liked being around him. He was comforting and she was able to let her guard down.

She knew she liked him and would not have it any other way.......

*Yukie Fujikaze is an actual Naruto character. She is the protagonist in the movie; Naruto the movie : Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow.

I'm sorry Ive taken alot of time to update. It's been more than a year. School had me busy. But now that I'm on holiday again I will be able to update and maybe finish this book.

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