Chapter twenty-one - Will you be my date?

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"now for the shoes" Ino said dragging them all to the shoes section.
There were all kinds of shoes ranging from high heels to boots to sandals. What caught their eyes though was a new set of shoes on display. The shoe was a combination of sandal and high heel.

"The recently released 'ninja high heels'. Designed to be worn in all occasions with almost anything. Even when your a ninja"

They all turned around to see Rin Nohara herself the store owner.

"Omg! Your Rin Nohara" Ino screeched.
"That I am" Rin chuckled "what brings you lovely girls to my store this morning?"
"Prom" they all said simultaneously.
"Aaaah I see, then the ninja highheels are just what you girls need. Try them"

And true to Rin's words the highheels where just what they all needed. The shoes where comfortable and decent. Perfect from prom. Ino picked purple , Tenten picked red while Sakura and Hinata settled for black.

"Thank you , Miss Nohara"
"Your welcome, give my greetings to Kakashi"
"We will" they agreed as they were leaving the store. Outside they decided to go and get some snacks as shopping does make one hungry.

Inside of the Ichiraku cafe they ordered some muffins and tea.
"So have you all got dates yet?" Ino asked casually.
" Neji asked " Tenten spoke up.
"Oooooooo, how did he do it?" Ino asked and to be honest Sakura was just as curious. Neji didn't look like the guy to be into such things.

"He brought a white panda with a note that said 'will you be my prom date'?" She said with a shrug "it was not a big deal"

"Thats beautiful" Hinata said with a smile "what about you Ino?"

Ino blushed "well Sai asked me some days back while we were on a date. He went down on one knee" the blush deepened.

Sakura was flabbergasted. Wow, people do go the mile for their dates.

"I'm guessing Naruto asked you Hina?"
"Yeah, he brought me here and then served me a bowl of ramen with the toppings arranged to ask the question" Hinata said with a faint blush.

"And you Sakura?"
"No I don't have a date yet"
The other three looked at her curiously as if to ask but then suddenly decided against it and continued their conversation and Sakura was glad they hadn't asked. She was secretly hoping Sasuke would be her date but the days were running out and she was losing hope.

To say Sasuke was tense was an understatement. He was running out of ideas to ask Sakura to prom. 'should I send a letter? Or invite her out?' He just could not figure out how to ask her to prom. And time was running out. Fast.

"Oi Sasuke whose your prom date?" Naruto asked as they were tuxedo and suit shopping at the very mall the girls were eating at. "Indeed foolish little brother , do tell us the name of the unfortunate girl" Itachi , Sasukes older brother had decided to escort them and was now teasing Sasuke.

'tch, why had he come along again? Aaah yes to make sure his 'foolish' little brother picked the right attire and looked 'presentable'. Sasuke just returned Itachi's question with a glare to which the older Uchiha just chuckled.

"Well if he won't , I will" Kiba said jokingly  and the Uchiha glare was sent his way instead. The others just chuckled.

"But seriously Uchiha at this rate someone will ask her out if you don't man up" Neji said calmly and this made Sasuke freeze. 'some dude take her out? before he did?'

And with a newfound resolution he handed his bag with the tux inside to Itachi and ran out the store ignoring his friends protests to slow down. He ran down town all the way to the Yamanaka flower shop buying a small bouquet of roses before heading in  the opposite direction towards Sakura's home.

He found the pinkette just about to enter her home after being dropped off carrying bags as if she was coming from the mall too.

"SAKURA!" He yelled. Said girl turned abruptly wondering who had the audacity to tell her name that loud before coming face to face with an out of breath younger Uchiha almost about to collapse at her doorstep.

Sasuke did not wait to calm down before handing her the bouquet and saying "Sakura will you be my prom date?"in between breaths. Sakura's face went from shock to happiness to laughter to amusement all in one go.

"You ran all the way here to ask me that? You could have drove or at least walked Sasuke"
"Well it was kind of a heat of the moment thing"
Sakura just laughed before nodding "yes , I'll go with you" before opening the door and holding it out for him "come on you need some water" and Sasuke just smiled before entering.

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