chapter twenty-three - An evening to remember.

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The guys soon came in a few minutes later and oh boy did they look fine. Each was in a tuxedo with a bow tie to match the colour of their dates. Sasuke's was red, Naruto's and Sai's both had a purplish hue, Kiba'a was turquoise and the rest had theirs in black. Choji had apparently gone to pick up his date ,Karui, who was coming from Kumo; the lightning city.

The entire group of teens arrived in Tentens minivan,Neji and  Sasuke's cars. The singles went ahead inside to look for a tables big enough to accommodate everyone while those with dates made some final touches.

As everyone entered Sakura felt nervous "don't worry, you look amazing" Sasuke said holding out his arm for her, a gesture which helped her to calm down as they entered.

Everyone might have gawked at the other singles and couples who had entered before them but Sasuke and Sakura seem to have stolen the spotlight. Jaws had dropped and gasps could be heard throughout. Even the teachers nodded amongst themselves. To them it was clear who was king and queen of night.

Itachi and Izumi had been a favourite since 4 years ago and the students were yet to beat their high score of 87 votes however Sasuke and Sakura seem to have out done them. Well only the votes would tell.

Sakura had the night of her life!. They had all chatted, drank and ate, a few performances and some speeches from guests, alumni,staff and students but her favourite moment was the announcement of prom king and queen.

Tsunade had chosen to do the honours "thank you all for voting on this years prom king and queen, prince and princess. I have to say it has been quite a competition because as you have seen our students have out done themselves this year. Especially that table over there" she said pointed at the table where Sakura and all her friends had gathered.

"I have seen makeovers and dates but never have I been blown away by a group of students this stunning especially after the
Akatsuki left campus. And the teachers all agree the Akatsuki had style and a great fashion sense. But these teens have exceeded my expectations so I would like to say well done" Claps and cheers erupted inside the entire hall.

"Without further ado this years prom king and queen with new high score of  94 votes are : Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura!" Sakura could not believe it. Not even as her table erupted to congratulate them nor as the crown was placed upon her head. It all seemed surreal.

"Now for the prom prince and princess with 86 votes ; Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuuga Hinata!" The two pairs shared hugs in congratulations and Sakura could tell Hinata was over whelmed with the attention.

After the announcents it was time for the dance. Of which the prom king and queen started off together with the prom prince and princess. The music was slow and beautiful. Onyx clashed with jade and for another time they allowed themselves the get lost in each others eyes. And as the music came to a stop Sakura felt her heart stop as Sasuke leaned down and kissed her.

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