chapter fifteen - A Kind Stranger.

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The first day of the holiday was spent familiarising themselves of the city. Suna really had great sites, the entire city looked like a giant sand burrow. The sandy look the bricks had in the walls gave it a modern vintage look. Just like in Konoha the tallest building was also that of the mayor at the centre overlooking the city.

Sakura, woken up by an enthusiastic Ino, was dragged to the lobby for breakfast. In the lobby the guys seemed ready to head out.
"Where are you guys going so early?" Tenten asked through mouthfuls of breakfast.
"To the skateboard ring" Kiba replied.
"Skateboard ring?"
"Yeah didn't you see it during yesterday's tour? We are gonna check it out cause Suna has the best skateboarders in all the nations!" Kiba continued.
"Do you girls have anything to do ? You could came along" Choji offered.
Knowing they had nothing better to do the girls went along.

Upon arrival they found alot of guys and a couple of girls already skateboarding. The guys wasted no time in renting out skateboards from the ring keeper. Shikamaru was about to sit down but Lee didn't allow it by pulling his 'youthful student' up and pushing him towards the ring. The lazy Nara kept muttering things like 'drag' and 'pain' all the way. Needless to say he wasn't bad at it.

Soon the girls got tired of watching the guys and decided to do something else. While walking around Hinata found a mini rollerskate ring that was not crowded. They all decided to check it out. Ino was the one with the most difficulty as she had never skated before. However she soon got the hand of it. Because Tenten and Sakura were focused on helping Ino, neither so some boys circling Hinata until it was too late. A 'help' snapped them up and when they turned they saw some tall menacing guys towering her.

They kept giving her crude remarks even after the other three had ordered them to stop. 'what you wanna help her?, You look like some small fry' they retorted back. That was when a voice  sounded.
"I'll give you boys 5 seconds to run" It was cool and confident.
They all turned to see a sandy blonde girl haired girl . She was in cream colored short and black tank top with a sweater tied around her waist. In one hand she had a pair of rollerskates and in the other a rock.
"5" she started.
"4" the boys paled and immediately began taking some steps back.
"2" they bowed and apologized. "We apologize lady Temari we were only trying to welcome the fine ladies."
"I will not have you frightening our guests so to 'welcome' them as you so graciously put it. Scram before I report you" she said. This had the boys running away in a hurry. One even trip and fell.

The girls just turned there heads and looked at the stranger. "Wow" they said in unison. "Lady Temari?"

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