chapter ten- Parents or strangers?

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Like promised her parents did arrive home. And as usual they paid no mind to her life just choosing to ask after her grades. Unfortunately her report card had not yet arrived and thus it was the end of a conversation. It was like they didn't care about her,like her and her parents lived in  different continents. She was used to it but it hurt.

It was until the second week of the holiday on a delightful Wednesday when sakura's mom knocked on her door telling her that she had guests downstairs 'guests?'. Sakura hesitantly got out of bed grabbed her hoodie on and headed downstairs. Right at the door to the living room she was tackled into a hug by the only blonde female she knew. "Oh sakura why where you avoiding us like that? We all were worried sick about you!" Ino's loud voice made her flinch. "Umm Ino I think your killing her" Hinata softy spoke up. Ino slowly let her go and Sakura blankly looked at the three out of four people she had been trying to avoid for the past month. She was about to run for her room but Tenten grabbed her arm and took her to the sitting room.

"Hi" she mumbled looking and tugging her hoodie down. "Hi? HI? after weeks of avoiding us you say hi?" Ino screeched. "Ino calm down let her explain , you know she isn't a people's person" Tenten defended. 'dont they know anything ? Didn't sasuke tell them?' sakura's thoughts at this time where wild. "Let's watch a movie" hinata said and she was grateful for the change of topic . "Yeah" and they started binge watching The Legend Of Korra. It wasn't a bad, Ino and Tenten kept bickering about different characters like Tenzin to Ginorra. Sakura relaxed a little when Hinata went to prepare some hot chocolate which sakura admitted was delicious.

Around 3 in the afternoon the other 3 decided it was time they left as they were at the door. Ino remembered something "oi sakura we forgot we were supposed to give you this ticket. We are all going ice skating this weekend on Sunday and we thought despite you avoiding us , you might wanna catch up since we're still friends and all" Ino chirped happily as Tenten grabbed the ticket from her purse and handed it to her. "Still.....friends?" "Yeah we are " "but I ...have been ....avoiding you" . Ino sighed  "you had your reasons when your ready you'll tell us" "don't forget we're here for you" hinata finished as they left. Sakura choked but thanked them . Minutes later they were off.

"Ice skating huh?" Sakura eyed the ticket before a small smile made its way upon her face. "Nice batch of friends you've got there" her mom said as she was descending the stairs in the gracseful business manner she seemed to possess. Sakura was just silent staring at her mother questioningly. "Value them, they seem nice. Atleast I can not worry about you being lonely when we're out" . Sakura left brow went even higher. "Worry ? You worry about me?" Sakura asked plainly but with a hint of pain and anger. "I'm your mother aren't I? " Sakura almost let up a sob.

"You my mother??" "Im sorry i am not here for you often." "You are nev-" "but that doesn't mean that I don't love you" her mom said the last part softly . Sakura looked astonished. Whether it was the words or cause of the tone she didn't know. " I'm not the best mother, no I'm the worst mother a  daughter like you shouldn't have ...but please I'm sorry. All I can ask of you is stick with these friends , I know they can be there for you when I can't ,I'm sorry" a tear fell from her eye.

Sakura was just shocked . "Here" her mom unclasped her necklace. It was silver with a green sakura blossom pendant. Her mom took her palm and placed the necklace inside before closing her fingers over it. "It's about time I gave you that, it was my mother's before she gave it to me,now I'm giving it to you........keep it safe" with that her mom took a step back and headed back up the stairs.

Sakura was too shocked to do anything else. She held the necklace close and a smile made itself present on her face. Maybe this year won't be so bad.

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