chapter nineteen - Prom?

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The rest of the holiday was spent as follows:

Day 11 : the gang visited the local zoo. Naruto was even chased by a lion when He had tried to feed it. Leaving everyone else to either sweat drop or face palm.

Day 12: there happened to be a fair and so that day was spent eating candy apples and candy floss while trying on different rides and games.

Day 13: the sand siblings managed to get them passes to an oasis. And so that day was filled with swimming , volleyball , sand castles and sunbathing .

And finally it was day 14. The morning was spent saying good bye to each since in the afternoon there were formalities to finish and everyone needed to pack. The girls got temari a giant fan after seeing how she had gushed about the one she had seen at the museum. The boys just exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. The group then thanked the sand siblings for the wonderful time spent. They had made the trip memorable.

To Sakura , the trip to Suna had really opened her more. She had made knew friends and had gotten closer to Sasuke. Not that she minded, she liked him anyways.

A week later everyone was busy with school since the final exams where nearing and everyone was determined to get into college. One English project had them write an essay on their experience on Suna.

"I don't think all that can fit into 3 pages alone" Tenten commented one study session and everyone had to agree. Nevertheless assignments where submitted , projects finished and turned in and examinations where still looming on the horizon. That just left one thing.

" Senior prom is in 1 week as you all know, it is on the friday night before your finals so get prepared" Iruka announced one day in homeroom.

'prom huh?' prom had been one the things Sakura had never thought she would attend. Heck she never knew she would find friends! But looking at her friends she knew that maybe her final moments in highschool won't be so bad.

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