Chapter one - First days

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Sakura parked her pink Charger near the end of the parking lot. One would ask why further away from most cars? Simple, she didn't want to meet many people on her way to the office . Not that she was nervous but she didn't want to be the spotlight on her first day as a new student so early in the morning . She quickly grabbed her bag ,slung it over her shoulder and lowered the hood of her black  hoodie so it could cover her forehead ,hair and shield her eyes abit. Konoha high was a large school with numerous floors and classrooms. Despite this she made her way to the office without difficulties and bumped into the person who was hurriedly making their way out with a stack of papers .
"Sorry" she immediately mumbled helping pick up the papers . The person was a medium sized woman in a white shirt and black skirt ,she had short hair and black eyes ."It's ok ,your new right ? " Shizune said eyeing Sakura . The latter nodded "I'm Shizune the school nurse and principles secretary ,to get your schedule go through the door to your right and meet the principal " giving a small smile Shizune left the office with a small piglet at her heels . Sakura blinked twice before entering the said door .

The office was large ,walls adorned  with shelves filled with papers and books ,floor with black and white tiles and at the far end was a large desk . The woman sitting behind it looked up ,she had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and seemed to be filling paperwork ." New student ?" "Yes ma'am"  "name?" "Sakura Haruno" "senior?" " Yes" "wai- oww" . In the process of looking for Sakura's schedule she had accidentally spilled her cup of hot coffee and it had burnt her hand the rest pooling onto the desk . Sakura seeing the situation hadn't hesitated and acted on instinct .
She moistened a towel at the sink in the corner and carefully dapped it on the principal's hand ,then grabbed her homemade healing cream from her bag  and carefully applied some gently to the burnt area blowing upon it smoothly. The principal just stared at the girl. Finishing the job by wiping the desk ,Sakura sat down again.

Tsunade stared at Sakura before handing her her  schedule and locker number. To say she wasn't surprised and impressed was a minor statement . Sakura rose to leave but she stopped her "thank you for this ,and I can say you hold promise as a doctor " "I aspire to be one ma'am" "is that so?" Tsunade murmured to herself . "Anyways you have to get to class ,welcome and feel free " "thank you"
And with that Sakura left Tsunade in her office deep in thought.

Maneuvering her way through the floors and corridors using a map of the school. She arrived in front of room 317 ,her homeroom and she was late by 30 minutes 'time to get this over with '  she thought before opening the door.  "- and so we put you in groups of thre- " all eyes were on her now . "Sorry" she mumbled pulling her hood lower before looking at the teacher in front, a man with hair in a ponytail and a long scar along the bridge of his nose . He was in a blue button up and black pants "welcome " he said warmly "new?" . She nodded "alright then just say an introduction and sit anywhere"

"Haruno Sakura" before taking her seat near a window . Everyone stared at the new girl with surprise ,she had just said her name in a flat voice and sat down soundlessly. "Alright then for the sake of Sakura I'll start the briefing again ,I'm Mr Iruka Umino by the way ,Sakura " She nodded with a small smile the teacher returned .

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