chapter twenty-two - Selfies and sudden surprises.

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The week passed quickly and before anyone knew it it was finally prom night. The teachers had given them the afternoon off to prepare for the event. The girls had all agreed to meet up at Hinatas place for preparations since the Hyuuga mansion had a lot of space and Hinatas room was extremely large. It was a bit larger than Sakura's but the arrangement of furniture gave it more space.

Upon arrival Sakura found Tenten braiding Hinata's hair and Ino applying another girls makeup. "Hie Sakura, meet Tamaki; she's Kiba'a date" Sakura smiled "nice to meet you" "thank you" . Soon Tenten was done with Hinata's hair and went ahead to do Sakura's. "Just comb it straight and place this headband in it." Sakura handed Tenten the headband Sasuke had given her for Christmas and Tenten went on to do as Sakura asked.

Just as Ino was done applying Sakura's makeup a smiling Temari joined them. "Omg Temari how are you here?" "Shikamaru invited me as his date"
"Shikamaru!?" To say the girls were surprised was an understatement. But then again it was prom. A Konaha Highschool Prom. 

Konaha high school was a prestigious school known across Japan. And one thing it was known for was hosting some of the best prom parties each year. Which allowed it to invite extra guests apart from the internal student and staff  as long their given an ID pass from Ibiki Morino.

This was why the likes of Sai were allowed to come and now the sand siblings too. Temari had explained that after Shikamaru had asked her to the event she had begged her father Rasa to allow her to attend and with how well the girls had been kind and respectful to Him during their trip it was not hard. He not only arranged for her pass but allowed her brothers to accompany her as well.

After calming down and finishing up their hair ,makeup and getting dressed the girls were finally ready thirty minutes later. Tamaki was in a turquoise one shoulder dress that made her hair stand out more and Temari was in a simple black dress that held tightly around her figure and ended just above her ankles. For better movement the dress has a slit that ended knee level. To give herself a 'badass' look she added a basketball jacket on top earning a fist bump from Tenten.

They both had also chosen Ninja sandals as their shoes of choice Tamaki's being black while Temari's were a mixture of red and black. Red to match the thin belt at her waist. After a quick round of selfies they headed down to find Hisashi , Hinata's father and Hanabi ,Hinata's sister waiting on them. Hinata's father then proceeded to congratulate his daughter  and her friends on making it this far before taking pictures of him and his daughter and then Hinata and the girls before leaving to attend to some businesses and wishing all girls a wonderful night and good luck on their exams.

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