chapter nine- Fear

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Sakura felt her body heat up involuntarily with the proximity between sasuke and herself in that closet. Her heart beat was racing at speeds unknown and she kept wondering if it was cause of surprise sasuke had given her when hauling her or their closeness. The real question was why was she even feeling that way?. Yes she was close to sasuke and did enjoy his company but that didn't mean anything. Infact this shouldnt be happening , she promised herself not to get too friendly with anyone.

Suddenly she noticed sasuke staring intently at something on her face. She followed his gaze only to see a strand of pink hair. OH NO. Her mind did a complete 360° turn and memories come crashing down

"Disgusting pink hair"

"You have pi-" "guys you can come out now , itachi's gone downstairs" naruto said opening the closet door. Sakura took the opportunity to push herself out and immediately fix her hoodie. She didn't want anyone to see her hair but now sasuke knew. Old sakura had come back and fear suddenly hit her like a wave. She didn't want to be near him, infact she just wanted to go home but she had to finish their discussion. The rest of discussion went smoothly and she avoided sasuke like a hawk. She also met his brother who warmly greeted her on his way out to some soccer game. Rushing home she closed the door and locked herself in.

She wrapped her arms around her legs and held herself tightly. 'now that he knew what would he do?bulky her? Tell everyone?make fun of her?' her thoughts were running in her mind she hadn't realised she was sobbing till she felt the dampness on her sleeve. The fear was growing inside her and she knew what she had to do. Stay away from him and the Konoha 12. She loved their company , she knew she did but at this point pain and fear had pushed out all room for consideration. Old sakura was back and here to stay.

She avoided everyone like promised , from Kakashi Sensei to the entire lunch group. She sat outside instead of the cafeteria. She made sure to sit far away from them in classes. She ignored all their attempts to reach out to her and kept her head low. She only met with her groupmates for discussions and barely talked to them. She believed that he had probably told everyone by now.

Everyone was worried as to why she never went out with them or even answered thier texts. Even Kakashi was worried. He called for her but she never came. But soon everyone's worries drowned out cause it was time  for the end of term examinations and all students busied themselves preparing. Sakura was barely seen the entire examination week and no one saw her at the closing assembly called by Tsunade.

Then it was the wing holiday. Sakura's parents had emailed her that they were coming home this year for Christmas. Not like she ever saw them when they were home.


We just wanted to inform you that we shall be returning home for Christmas for a duration of two weeks. We hope to find you well.

                                 Kizashi and Mebuki

Even their letters to her were so formal like they were talking to a prospective business partner and not their own daughter. And this only added to the stress she was feeling at the moment. Maybe she wished she was a normal teen with normal hair colour and her parents never worked that much. But she had long accepted both facts ,her parents were never gonna be home and she was not a normal teen.

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