chapter eighteen - Karaoke night.

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"Temari!"  Ino and Tenten cried hugging her.
"You made it!" Said girl cried "and you bought your guy friends" after eyeing the other eight boys.

Then it was time for introductions although her greeting with Shikamaru went a bit longer than the rest. Eventually they all made it into the club and headed towards the large table Gaara and Kankuro had saved up for everyone.

Upon seeing Gaara, Naruto rushed to hug his long time friend and they began talking like  they already knew each other. Upon noticing the questioning glances from their friends Naruto quickly explained that he knew Gaara because sometime back when he was younger his father had taken him along to suna for a business trip and had ended up becoming Gaara's friend.

"Welcome everyone, we would like those who want to participate in the karaoke to register by Tsumi over there" a tall woman brought their attention back to the stage and pointed at another girl seated in the corner. "Refreshments will be going around for everyone and so let's enjoy ourselves". The club roared in excitement and appreciation as several waiters and waitresses came in and began taking everyone's order.

The 15 teens discussed among themselves who will go and sing and it was decided that Neji ( after being blackmailed), Sasuke ( because he wanted to prove to Naruto that he was not infact a chicken) , Shikamaru ( because Temari had asked him  even though he thought it was a drag) and Lee ( because he was being youthful!) will represent the boys while Ino and Tenten represented the girls.

The show kicked off with a girl singing pinks 'just like fire'. Then a duet of boys singing the scripts 'hall of fame'. Then a couple of other performances before it was finally Neji's turn.

" Now we have a few guests form Konoha  , some students on a trip so let us make them feel at home. Now then we invite Neji!" Said brunette stood up and went on stage.

'is he a boy or girl?' were whispers sounding across the club. "I'll have you know that I'm a guy". The club chuckled. Nevertheless Neji sang Lecrae's 'Ill find you' beautifully and by the time he was done the club was in applause.

"It seems Konaha is up to a fiery start. Now let's invite; Sasuke!".

Sasuke sang the scripts 'superheroes' and Sakura could not help but stare. He sang amazingly.

'when youve been fighting for this all your life' onyx clashed with jade.
'when youve been working everyday and night'.
'its how a superhero learns to fly,everyday every hour trun the pain into power'.

Sasuke sang that part soflty and beautifully like he was singing it for her and Sakura could not help but shed a small tear and smile back at him.

And from across the room Sasuke returned the smile with one of his own.

The rest of the karaoke night went smoothly with Shikamaru singing Tobymacs 'scars' and Lee singing Tedashii's 'nothing I can't do'. Ino sang littles mix's 'Dna' while Tenten did Bebe rexha's 'i got you'.

After a few more performances the group decided it was time to call it a night ending day 10 of the trip.

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