chapter thirteen- Revelations

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Today the gang had chosen to go for a short picknic in the park and Sai too had been invited. There was a lot of laughter and ramen (courtesy of Naruto ,of course) . He had bought half his school bag filled with cups . But all in all it was great until during a playful game of tag Hinata had accidentally pulled her hoodie off revealing her pink hair. Sakura hadn't noticed until she saw everyone staring at her ,strands whipping against her face due to the small wind.

She was about to turn and ran off when a hand held her back. " Atleast hear them out" Sasuke said calmly. She looked at him hard for a second before nodding and turning towards everyone, nervously. She knew they wouldnt judge her ,she willed herself to believe but the voice in her head said otherwise. It always did. And that always faltered her judgement. But in this moment she was willingly to give them a shot.

Glancing up at everyone's faces she saw surprise and shock. "You have pink hair" Tenten and Shikamaru had surprisingly said together. "And a huge forehead" everyone turned to glare at Naruto and for extra measure Kiba and Neji  smacking him. Which caused him yelp and add " I didn't mean it as a bad thing ,ya know . I said it cause it kinda makes her cute believe it!"  A snort sounded from Sasuke.

Ino walked over to her and poked her forehead "owww" "sorry just wanted to make sure I'm not seeing things, I had so many imagines as to why you always hid your hair " to this she chuckled "but none of them had pink hair" she chuckled again. "You look beautiful" Ino said with a smile.

"Y-yeah" added hinata who has also walked over to touch her pink hair. "It's beautiful and it suits you, t-though you have to tell me how y-you keep it this straight and soft" and soon enough everyone was saying their opinions of which were all positive. "Really guys? " everyone nodded. " I was bullied cause of hair during my younger years." She said almost choking back tears .

"Well to hell with all of them ,girl your amazing. Can't you see it? " "Agreed" both Lee and shino added. When she glanced at Sasuke she saw the biggest smirk on his face that clearly said 'I told you so'. She was tempted to smack him right there and then for it . "So you knew about this then,Sasuke? " Neji suddenly asked probably having noticed their interaction. Everyone then turned to him  brows raised in question. Sasuke just casually shrugged and hn'ed in response. "And you didn't tell us!?" Naruto shouted . Suddenly everyone seemed angry and pissed at the young Uchiha. Ino and Naruto looked like they were about to attack him at any moment.

Despite the angry intent everyone was pouring on him ,Sasuke like the cool person he is , just nodded and said " I also saw by accident and it wasnt my place to say when clearly she wasn't comfortable with showing her hair, get over it". This just made people glare at him more. And the sight of what was happening somehow made Sakura laugh. And she laughed so hard everyone suddenly looked at her concerned and weirded out. "sorry it's just that you guys are amusing and entertaining at times. I'm glad to be your friend"

To this everyone smiled and Ino called for a group hug. But somehow during the process ,Naruto tripped and the result was a pile of bodies in the dirt. Snap!. Sasuke took a picture of them all "hn ,dobe your so annoying" and to this everyone laughed.

Sakura haruno had never felt better in her life having a group of friends who accepted her. Of course she still wore her beanie and hoodie but some times she just let her hair fall freely. The crack in her heart and confidence was slowly getting mended. She was doing better socially and emotionally. And she was really grateful.

Spring was nearing and that ment one thing. "Class field trip" Ino sang happily during lunch. "Mmmh wonder where we're headed to this year" Neji asked. "Hn,Last year they were at Amegakure, you know the city with alot of rain and puddles" "how do you know that?" Sakura asked aloud.
"His brother Itachi was here last year." Kiba answered. Sakura nodded remembering Sasuke's brother last Christmas. Compared to Sasuke he seemed more outgoing. "He came back talking about how they met a guy named Nagato and his two cool friends Yahiko and Konan were and how they formed some gang named the 'akatsuki' or something." Sasuke looked like he was about to cringe and Sakura chuckled. "What? I almost went deaf" he muttered .

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