chapter fourteen- Journey into the desert

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The next morning all seniors were gathered into the auditorium for an announcement by Tsunade Senju ,the acting principal. "I believe you all know the main reason you've been called here. Spring is nearing and therefore it's time for-" she was cut off by Naruto shouting "A CLASS FIELD TRIP!! BELEIVE IT!!". "NARUTO! SHUT UP!" everyone sniggered or chuckled.

"But he's right a class field trip and this year your going to visit the hidden sand city in the wind nation, Sunagakure, for the entire 14 days of your spring break. Due to our good relations with the mayor of suna he has allowed at to reside in one of the finest resorts at half the original price meaning you'll pay less than usual BUT and I repeat but this doesn't give you an option to cause trouble. "

She paused before adding "dare I hear any whiff of trouble from you then I'll cancel prom so behave. Shizune is going around with the forms. They have all information you need for the trip including the fee that must be paid before your mid-year examinations at the end of this term. I hope I've made myself clear?" A chorus of groans and yes' was all she got but that seemed to satisfy her. "Dismissed".

Excitement was in the air for the seniors and the few last days before exams were spent doing group discussions and numerous trips to the mall. Ino had surprised Sakura by buying swim gear one shopping trip and when  Sakura had asked why " Sakura ,Sakura tsk tsk don't you know suna had great oasis' for swimming?" And went on buying more swim gear. Sakura just facepalmed at the weirdeness of the friends she had.

Soon the examinations passed and it was the time for the school break. The entire senior class was ready and had packed for the field trip. For transport the school had hired a bus since suna was an entire day away. On the leaving day the entire class had arrived early in the morning to get a good heads start. "Alright listen up!" Said Kurenai Yuhi to get their attention. She was one of the few teachers going with them including Asuma Sarutobi ,Maito Gai and Kakashi Hatake.

"Due to the numbers we failed to get a single room for everyone so instead you'll be residing in suites for four, now we won't separate you rather you organise yourselves in groups of four of who will be your roommates. By five minutes everyone should have registered their names by Gai- sensei". Said teacher did a thumbs up. "Understood!?" "Yes!"

It only took one glance at each other for Ino, Hinata, Tenten and Sakura to know their automatically roommates. They all took off to register. Soon they were grabbing their luggage and heading for the bus. By now the time was 6:15 am and by 6:30 am the bus had departed. Like promise it did take a day to arrive because they did arrive in the cool desert around 9 pm. They had played games, sang songs and resorted to selfies when everything had gone boring. The best picture was of Neji and Tenten when they had accidentally fallen asleep leaning into each other. They both blushed a bit when they saw it and threatened to murder Hinata,as she was the one who had taken it.

Due the length of the journey ,not much was said when they arrived except eating dinner and crashing on their beds leaving fun for the next day.

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