chapter seventeen - Why Didn't You Tell Us?

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For the rest of the field trip the four girls spent their days going around Suna with the sand siblings.

Day 3 was spent at the mall and oh boy did Ino squel. Suna's shops where amazing! Even Sakura admitted that the shops were pretty lit and kowai.

Day 4 had them movie watching at the best theatre in the city. (An advantage of being friends with the mayor's kids). They watched the newly released Avengers Movies: Endgame and Infinity War.

Day 5 has them support Temari at her Tennis competition. Temari was really good at the sport and during her holidays she played at the local court. With the six of them cheering her on, Temari had no problem coming in first place.

Day 6 had them at the arcade. They spent the day playing games like Lazer tag, water splash and many more. Even though for grown teens like themselves it was rather childish they still had fun.

Day 7 the sand siblings had to help their father with some work stuff and the girls tagged along. It was tiresome arranging paperwork and stamping files. But it was all worth it as they met the infamous mayor of Suna. He was stern but a kind man as he invited all of them out for lunch.

Day 8 had them on top of a nearby hill for a picnic with the sand siblings. Kankuro ate  most of the food though "I swear he eats like a pig sometimes" Temari groaned. Everyone laughed.

Day 9 had them visit the local galley and museum. Suna had amazing paintings and artifacts ranging from puppets to ancient weapons. Temari said she loved a giant fan with three purple moons on it, while kankuro was  busy fawning over the puppets.

They had agreed to meet the sand siblings around 3 in the afternoon so as to head to one of the famous karaoke clubs in the city as plans for day 10. According to the sand siblings this was a common hangout for teenagers. So in the morning the girls just hang around the resort.

During the afternoon the boys , who were coming from a nearby market getting who knows what, found them on one of the veranda's relaxing and sipping lemonade.

"Where have you guys been for the past few days? You leave early and come late all tired!" Naruto asked with a pout.
"Oh nothing , just visiting Suna with some new friends" Ino said as if going around with the 'sand siblings' where just some normal thing to do.

"And what kind of 'friends' are these?" Neji asked sternly.
"Oh just the mayor's kids".
Jaws dropped. Silence.

"You guys became friends with the mayor's kids?" The boys asked loudly.
Silence again.
"No need to worry boys we haven't done much" Ino chirped happily. "I mean we visited the mall, Went movie watching at the Rasa Cinema, watched Temari at her tennis competition,which by the way she won. " Ino continued counting her fingers.
"Temari?" shikamaru asked. "Just the mayor's daughter"
"Don't forget to tell them about the day at the arcade and game center" Hinata added.
"And lunch with the mayor too" Tenten added sipping lemonade.
"And the trip to the museum and gallery" Sakura finished.
"Oh no , we also had a picnic on top of Mt Suna, quite a view" Ino recalled.

By the end of the list the boys jaws had reached the floor. "Why didn't you tell us you were doing all these fun things , dattebayou?!?!?!?" Naruto practically shouted.

Ino raised her brow. "We thought you had stuff to do"
"We didn't, infact we've been bored for the last couple of days!!"
"Well you can join us this evening , we are heading to a karaoke party down town"  Sakura offered. The boys looked at each other and nodded in silent agreement still not undersatnding how the girls had a great time without them.
In the meantime Sakura went to inform Temari of the few extra guests.

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