chapter eight- Accidental revelations

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Tap.   Tap.   Tap.
"Would you stop doing that?"    Pause.
"Why not?"
Tap.      Tap. Tap.
"Your not the boss of me" Tap.
Tap. Tap.
"Your in my house!" Tap.
"So?" Tap tap tap.
"Why you- !"

"Would you two stop this!" Both males turned to look at Sakura. This is how they're study sessions went for the past days. They were supposed to finish projects "nature and it's cycles " for biology, "ancient Konoha traditions" for history and complete atleast ten questions from the question sheet Kakashi mad given them from the play they were reading . But each time they gathered to study the boys bickered  and fought. And sakura was growing impatient because these projects were to contribute to her final grade and she really wanted to go to medical school.

"He started it!"  " I told you to stop rapping the pen against the table!"

All three of them were currently in sasuke's room and oh boy it was a huge room. It had its own play station ,walk in closet ,queen sized bed that looked extra comfortable, the fairly large desk they were working on and an entire wall filled with books and comics. The room was just as big as her own but the arrangement of things made his seem a bit bigger. They tried going to Naruto's room, his room was the same size but the clothes on the floor and smell of ramen made the room feel suffocating and congested.

"In case you haven't noticed some of us actually want to go to college!"
"Sorry"  sakura sighed .
"Let's take a break I'm hungry"
"You ate an hour and half ago"
"I'm hungry"

And with that they settled for a break. While sasuke and Naruto went downstairs to get some snacks sakura decided to go for a walk and with the size of the uchiha mansion it was an easy task. Unconsciously she found herself in a room , well it was a bedroom. It was neat, beds made ,windows open, everything put away. What captured her eyes was the small frame sitting on the drawer beside the bed. It had two young boys identical . Sakura recognised one as a young sasuke and the other probably itachi. She hadn't met him since he was busy and was usually at college at this hour and returned late. "What are you doing in here?" A voice frightened her.

Sasuke after hearing some burgers(he absolutely no ramen) for Naruto who instantly began waffling them down grabbed three and headed back upstairs to give sakura some. She wasn't in his room and after looking around he found her in his brothers room looking at the small photo beside his brothers bed. Why itachi had kept that photo was beyond him it was taken 10 years ago and now he was 17. He seemed to have started sakura cause the girl jumped slightly .

"Umm sorry sasuke , I was just wandering and ended up here , I'm not a thief if that's what your thinking.....I .... I was just about to leave but the picture caught my attention I'm really sorry to burge in .....sorry ......I didn't mean to"

Then she took a deep having finished her rant. Sasuke was just shocked she could say that much since she usually said almost nothing to short sentences . And considering he was the only one out of the Konoha 12 who spent much time with her he was surprised. Their conversations though mainly happened at lunch, were short which they would continue with text messages in the evening not that it mattered but he could learn something new from her each time. Lately she had started opening up a bit , speaking more , smiling more and showing herself a bit more .

To others she was just a quiet girl but to him she was smart, fun and pretty even. She just lacked confidence and belief in herself. Plus throw away her hoodies and beanies , no one knew including him knew her hair colour and to be frank , he was a bit curious. Onyx was still locked with emerald as he took some steps towards her. She looked tense. "It's okay actually ,I .....was just shocked with how much you spoke" she looked down and unconsciously tugged her hood a habit he knew she did when she was nervous. "Sorry" she mumbled .

"No , it's okay, that picture was taken when I was six or seven"
"You looked cute" and onyx clashed again with emerald
"Umm he came upstairs to give sakura some burgers" the distant voice of naruto was suddenly heard.
"Sakura?" Oh no! Itachi! Due to shock sasuke did the first thing that came to mind. Hauled himself and sakura into the closet and put a hand over her mouth. Itachi though his brother wouldn't like people in his room and might think of murdering him if he found himself and sakura in there.

"She's our groupmate" "oh okay" itachi sounded close. Sasuke had held his breath and held sakura tight. Itachi's footsteps were heard in the room as he seemed to move around. Sasuke glanced at Sakura again and noticed something . Her hoodie had moved a bit and was revealing a strand of her hair .  A strand of her pink hair.

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