chapter twelve- Festivities

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"why did you ditch us?" Sakura flinshed.
"I ....,I was-" "is this about me seeing your hair?" Another flinch. Bingo
"I've seen worst hair colours in my life but your pink hair colour doesn't count... It's more exotic." Sakura was shocked. No one had ever told her that not even her own parents. "R-really?" She whispered.
"Mmmhmmh" his voice and face liked sincere and Sakura was finding it hard whether to believe him or not.

"T-thanks" silence "umm did you-"
"No ,...I didn't tell anyone if that's what your asking. " She let a sign of relief. "But just so you know" she looked at him. "I accept you fully just as you are" Sakura almost choked and she felt tears threaten to fall from the corner of her eyes. Sasuke saw the emotions in her eyes and wrapped his arms around her at first she flinched and tensed up but then she relaxed.

"Sorry it's just hard to believe cause I've been bullied all my life cause of it and -"
"Well curse them for bullying someone for something so trivial like their hair colour, honestly I think it's great" onyx clashed with emerald. He cupped her cheek "your a great person Sakura and that would be no less cause of pink hair" he said softly.

Just then a click was heard and then "Sasuke and Sakura sitting in a tree , K-I-S-S-I-N-G! "  "Seriously" Sasuke mumbled before turning to glare at each of their friends ,some had devilish smirks like kiba and neji and the rest had wide smiles like Naruto and Hinata. "Well" tenten asked in a mocking but joking manner "won't you kiss?" And their smirks and smiles grew even more. Sakura tugged her sweater and Sasuke just groaned. "There is no kiss now get lost" glaring at them all once more. Having enjoyed their fun they all turned to the ice. Sasuke sighed. And turned to Sakura again. They both smiled before turning to the ice but not before Sasuke planted a small forehead kiss. " Remember pink hair or not our still amazing" this time Sakura was shocked and for the first time actually blushed in her life.

Every since that conversation with Sasuke during Christmas Sakura found herself in a slight confidence boost. She talked and smiled a bit more. But had not dropped the hoodie /beanie. He had even sent her a dark pink headband with light pink Sakura pettals as an Christmas gift. Ino had decided for a dictionary, apparently she needed to work on her vocabulary and some jewellery and a new hoodie. Tenten had sent her a kunai charmed bracelet while Hinata had sent a new wool hat and some mittens since she knitted. The rest had been varying gifts from notepads and markers to novels which she greatly appreciated.

But like all good holidays, it had to come to an end. School was back and keeping everyone busy than ever due to the upcoming final exams ,them being seniors. Most times were spent doing group discussions with Naruto and Sasuke and considering Naruto had trouble grasping concepts it usually took them more time to get him to understand. By now Sakura had began to realise the aim for the group discussion but decided not to comment on it just yet.

With the girls ,it was usually ino rambling about some guy named sai she had a crush on. She had met him one weekend while they were shopping at the mall. The dude went to a neighboring school and worked part time at an art store selling art supplies . Sakura didn't quite  like the dude but didn't hate him either. Yes he was social awkward like her but he was more blunt ,I mean he had the nerve to call her 'ugly' on their first meeting. Who does that?. She almost punched him for it but ino managed to calm her down. Luckily enough she had grown tolerant of the nickname that it didn't infuriate her anymore.

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