Chapter three - The Konoha 11

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Two weeks had passed since she had arrived at Konoha high and to her relief she hadnt made any friends. After parking her car again she headed to the front doors since it was the fastest way to her locker on the first floor. She was a bit early as she didn't want to meet many people but luck wasn't on her side that day cause just as she closed her lockers' door a voice startled her "Hey there!!" . Turning she met a beautiful girl with a dazzling smile and the brightest baby blue eyes she had ever seen. To finish the look , said girl had the lightest blonde hair imaginable.

"Hi" she said out of politeness but inside she was annoyed.

"Hi ,I'm Ino Yamanaka! And ever since I saw you on the first day I really wanted to be your friend" .

Raising an eyebrow both at the amount of sunshine radiating off this girl and the true meaning of her first name ,Sakura turned to leave"yeah thanks but no" . She began to leave but Ino wouldn't have it "why not!?"
"Because I don't want to" she replied in a voice that left no room for arguments. Ino just sulked and pouted . Sakura didn't mind though in her defense , she didn't need a friend and being in the study group was hard enough.

Sadly luck wasn't on her side that day because all morning Ino wouldn't leave her alone until for safety of her remaining sanity ,she agreed to sit with Ino at lunch much to Ino's happiness and her discomfort.
After fourth period Biology with Shizune , Sakura made her way to the cafeteria for the first time since she came to the school. Finding the blonde hair ,she made her way to the table and sat down quietly next to Ino . The blonde jumped up in delight "Sakura! You made it!" Causing Sakura to flinch again. Taking out a small container of fruity pieces ,she began eating without even glancing up at anyone.

Finishing lunch as soon as possible Sakura bolted of out the cafeteria to get some alone time before class. Truthfully she hadn't felt any discomfort at Ino table but she knew she would rather eat alone and so she decided on two things. Eat lunch alone and avoid Ino at all cost.

Oh forget what she had said about avoiding Ino at all costs ,the deities seemed to be stealing her luck deliberately because somehow Ino still found her wherever she went. At the restroom , in the car park, at the vending machine ,on the roof :no matter what strategy or plan she came up with Ino still found her!.

This time she was listening to Ino ramble about some post she'd seen on Instagram concerning some celebrity. Sakura could only tug her hoodie further ,groan and let herself be hurled to Ino's lunch table.

This time however she got a look at the people present at the table . There seemed to be 12 people including her present . When Ino noticed her eyeing everyone the blonde told everyone to introduce themselves . Sakura chewing on her fruity pieces could only nod each time a person said their name.
From Ino came a guy with spiky ink black hair , tied up to resemble a pineapple , brown eyes and a lazy look on his face "Shikamaru Nara" .
Next was a guy with red triangles on his cheeks,sharp canine teeth and slitted eyes "Kiba Inuzuka".

A guy with a bowl haircut , very bushy brows and round eyes "Rock Lee! It's nice to meet you my youthful flower!" Sakura flinched but to her surprise the guy earned a smack from the guy next to him a long dark haired brunette with pupiless lilac eyes "sorry about him,Hyuga Neji"

A girl with chocolate brown hair in twin buns and equally coloured eyes came next"Tenten , just Tenten" she said the last part just for clarity as if many people asked her about her surname. A guy with round sunglasses and messy brown hair "Aburame Shino" he said mysteriously.

A guy with swirls on his cheeks and looking rather fat? "Choji Akimichi" . Then came Naruto and Sasuke then a girl with midnight blue hair and equally lilac eyes like neji's 'could they be related?' . "Hyuga Hinata" 'yup' Nodding she lowered her gaze and continued eating her fruity pieces not even bothering to strike a conversation.

This was her behaviour for days ,her quiet nature bugged everyone including Ino ,the fact that she wore a hoodie and sometimes tuned everything out with headsets ,didn't make it better . But they learnt to get used to her behaviour and he happy that now she offered them her presence and didn't run off like the first time .

Though a certain ravenette felt there was more to her blank face than she let on but to avoid acting like a privacy invader and didn't question. her.

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