chapter six - Social outings

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Drinking up and calming down she quickly got up and left the gym for her last class that wonderful Friday, Chemistry with Mr Sarutobi. The teacher wasn't bad but liked to smoke alot and sometimes the cigarette smell  would pollute the whole classroom.

Sitting down on her usual spot by the window ,Thirty minutes into the lesson she saw a crumpled paper landing onto her desk. Hesitantly poking it (in case it was a prank or yet a miniature bomb ,one can never be sure) she found it was fine before umcrumpling it.

So the girls and I have a girls outing this Saturday and we were kinda hoping you would come lol. Plz pretty pretty cute puppies and pizza boxes say yes you will- Ino, your beauty pageant.
Oh and if you will add your number so I can text you the details
NB:  if you say no I'll have to bring in another fashion lecture

Sakura couldn't help but drop her head into her desk and groaning slightly. But her little show didn't go unnoticed by the teacher "miss haruno everything alright?" "Yes I'm alright" and all heads and the teacher resumed the lesson. Quicky replying she said

Sure.    09103728

And sent the paper back at Ino who sent her a huge smile and a thumbs up. 'great another awkward social activity' she thought before tugging her hoodie down again .

'six o'clock it's Saturday morning ,life can be so so annoying ' imitating the theme song for 100 things to do before highschool a show that used to air on Nickelodeon a couple of  years back. Technically it wasn't six o'clock ,infact , it was nearing ten and the constant beeping of her alarm was annoyingly reminding her of her 'girls day out'

Why she accepted she really didn't know , she couldve been sleeping or reading a novel but noo she just had to accept Ino's offer. 'time to get this over with then' she said pulling herself out of bed. 15 minutes later she had showered and picked her outfit. Deciding not to wear her hoodie she gathered her hair on too and put on a beanie that just like the hoodie ,covered all of her hair and some part of her forehead . It wasn't that she couldn't leave her hair free but some scars were still present and she didn't want repeatitions.

She grabbed her purse before putting in some money, a small notepad , a pen, lip balm and of course her phone. Deciding she'll eat on the way, she rushed to the garage and got into her car before driving off. Navigating through Konoha with the directions Ino had sent her ,she wasn't surprised it led to the Konoha supermall. Shopping was Ino's forte after all.

She had been to the mall of course , once , the day before her first day to get some school supplies and had been in awe of the mall. Correction ,she was still in awe. The Konoha supermall was a gigantic building bigger than the school filled with all kinds of amazing shops ,cafes and boutiques. It even had an arcade and giant waterfall in the centre.

Hurrying inside she found the three girls at some cafe each enjoying their own snacks . Remembering her own hunger ,she mouthed a big 'hi' before ordering and practically mouthing down her food . Hinata ,Ino and Tenten all stared wide eyed at her . "What I didn't eat breakfast " and they all laughed.

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