Chapter 32

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Lucy's POV

I was still taken back by yesterdays events, but Severus made me feel so much better. I spent about an hour in his office and after he had helped me calm down and my tears finally stopped, him and I sat down on his couch and he read a book to me until it was lunchtime.

Thankfully none of my friends mentioned the incident either.

To be honest, everyone seemed more concerned about Harry and his lust for killing Sirius black. We were all growing quite worried of him because we didn't want him walking right into the killers hands. Everyone was sure that the reason Black might try to come to Hogwarts is to finish off what he started and also kill Harry.

—- Time Skip —-

"It's the grim Harry!" Ron cried as we were faced with the big black dog in front of us. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Terence, Jennie and I were all here. We just wanted to take a walk outside, but all of a sudden we were faced with this growling dog near the whomping willow. I had no idea what Ron meant by the Grim, maybe it was something they learned in their divination class that I was not taking this year.

Without a warning, the dog leaped over our heads and landed right in front of Ron who was clutching onto his pet rat for dear life. The dog took a forceful bight into Rons leg and dragged him through an underground opening at the tree.

"Help!" He pleaded as he was being dragged along.

"Hang in there we will save you!" Terence called and was about to jump down that same tunnel, but then out of nowhere the tree began attacking us and sent Terence flying.

"Terence!" I called. He immediately got up and dusted himself off. "I'm fine, I can distract the tree you guys try jump down there."

"Jennie, you go get a teacher alright." I said to her and quickly ducked, avoiding the branch that came swinging my way.

She nodded. "Okay, please be safe I will be back as soon as possible." And with that she sprinted towards the castle faster than I had ever seen her run.

"Help should be on the way soon, let's find an opening and help Ron." I said, carefully observing the tree branches. Terence was running around from side to side in order to make the tree focus on him, once I saw that almost all of its branches were as far away from the hole as possible I took a leap and jumped inside. Harry and Hermione followed shortly after.

At first we landed in a pile of dirt, but once we started walking through this tunnel some stone stairs began to form. We all speedily ran up those stairs and eventually ended up in the shrieking shack.

I began to feel goosebumps over my whole body, remembering all the scary stories that were told about this place.

We could hear Rons faint whimpering from up the stairs and hurried into the room where he was. He sat there in the very corner of the room, still clutching Scabbers.

"Harry it's a trap! He is the dog, he is an animagus. It's Sirius Black." Ron cried, pointing behind us.

We all turned around slowly, terrified of who we were about to come face to face with.

'Jennie, please hurry.' Was the first thing I thought when looking at Black. He looked awful, all sweaty and dirty and panting heavily.

"If you want to kill Harry you will need to get past us first." Hermione called, taking a step in front of Harry.

"No." Black spoke. "There will only be one person who dies tonight."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw how Harry lunged forward and was about to jump onto Black, when something made his wand fly out of his hand. In walked professor Lupin. I thought for a second he must have been the teacher that Jennie got, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Hello there, Sirius." Lupin spoke awfully calm. He then proceeded to help the criminal up to his feet and gave him a big hug.

No, it couldn't be. Was my own Professor siding with the enemy?

"No, we trusted you!" Hermione yelled at Lupin. Harry and Ron seemed as shocked as we all were. And he seemed like such a nice teacher too.

"Come on now let us not waste time and finally kill him." Sirius growled. I was about to draw my wand at him and try to fight the two men, but then my father and Jennie burst into the room.

I breathed a sigh of relief seeing them both here. Severus was quick to disarm Sirius and held his wand against his throat. Jennie hurried over to me and embraced me tightly.

"Vengeance is sweet, oh how I had hoped I'd be the one to catch you." Severus had a devilish smirk on his face and pushed his wand further into Blacks neck.

"Y-you don't un-understand." Black stuttered, clearly his vocal cords being impacted by the pressure of the wand that was pressed against them.

"Give me a reason not to kill you right now." My dad hissed. "Severus please, there has been a misunderstanding." Lupin tried to reason.

All of a sudden I felt Harry grabbing into my pocket and pulling my wand out. Before I could react, Harry yelled "Expelliarmus!" And caused my dad to fly backwards and onto an old bed in the corner of the room that instantly collapsed once he had landed on it.

"Harry what the hell?!" I yelled at him, extremely angry about what he had just done. I was about to go run to where Severus was, but Jennie pulled me back by my wrist.

"Don't." She said. "I don't want them to hurt you."

Hermione was scolding Harry about attacking a teacher, but he downright ignored her and held my wand in Lupins direction now.

"Tell me about this misunderstanding you are talking about." He demanded.

"You see, when you told me the other night that you saw Pettigrew on the map I could not believe that he was still alive but then I realised that he was actually the one who must have betrayed your parents and faked his death." Lupin explained. I was extremely confused.

"Yes and he is right there, in your ginger haired friends lap!" Sirius shouted and pointed at Ron's rat.

"Scabbers?" He asked, clearly as confused as I was. Just then, the rat took flight and tried escaping the room but Sirius was faster and sent a spell at him, causing the rat to transform into a small chubby man. He must have also been an animagus. 

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