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I shouldn't scare her.

Hyunjun abruptly retreated from heading straight into Yiseul's station. Arms crossing and facing the parking lot, he went to the side and sat at the bench outside of the station. Feet tapping on the floor, he hummed to melody as he patiently waited.


"Let's eat!"

"I'll pass. I need my sleep." Yiseul stretched her arms after a long day at work. "See y'all tomorrow morning~" She waved to her fellow detectives before taking her leave.

When is spring coming... Yiseul huffed her cheeks as she was slightly annoyed with the cold weather.

She then briskly walked to the parking lot so that she could get in her car quickly. As she was about to open her door, her eyes fell upon Hyunjun who was lying down on the bench. She squinted her eyes to have a good look then let out a small gasp.

She instantly closed the door and locked her car before jogging to her ex. "Isn't it cold? Hyunjun ah?" She called out with her knitted eyebrows but he did not respond.

Seeing his body shaking, freezing in such cold weather outside made her run back to her office.

"Left something behind?" Officer Song asked.

"Yeah." Yiseul answered without sparing a glance.

She grabbed her thick outerwear that was inside her locker and sprinted off to attend her ex. She then laid it nicely on top of his body and ensured that he had enough warmth. "Why didn't anyone tell you to go back? Or did you insist?" She mumbled.

Hyunjun moved and woke up to her voice. "Y-yiseul noo-na?" He called out with his soft voice.

Yiseul hummed. "You're freezing, go back home."

Hyunjun used his remaining energy to shake his head. "I wanna- talk to you..."

"In this condition?" Yiseul raised her voice in disbelief.

"I'm fine."

That was what he said, but his body said otherwise. He started coughing and Yiseul had enough. She reached out for his forehead and her assumption was right that he had already fallen sick.

"Get in my car, I'll send you back." She said as she stood up with her hand on his arm.

He sat up with her help and slowly got on his feet. "I drove here."

"Then why didn't you stay inside??" She argued.

"Cause I... I don't want to lose you." He answered.

She gave up and nodded. "Okay, give me your car key. I'll drive you back home."

"Then how- are you going back later?" He asked as he followed her lead to his car.

"I'll figure it out. You're sick." She answered.

He gave in eventually and passed her his car key.


"Jo yah, can you come down for awhile?" With her eyes fixed on the road and hands on the wheel, Yiseul called her friend when they were stopped at the junction.

"I'm in the office though."

"Oh right you're no longer a cartoonist at home... Then is anybody at home?" As the light turned green, she changed gear and started driving.

"They are out working, should be back around 9ish. What's up?"

Yiseul hummed as she pondered. "It's alright, I'll text you later. I'm driving now."


Yiseul huffed her cheeks and spared a glance to the sleeping man beside her. We are reaching soon, hang in there...

Not long later, she drove safely to the parking lot in the basement of Hyunjun's apartment. She woke him up and walked him to his house.

"Where's your room?" She asked after taking off their shoes.

Half awake, he pointed at his room.

Slouching with his arm around her neck for support, she braced herself at the weight as she assisted the latter to his room and gently placed him down on his bed. She then tucked him with the blanket.

"Noona." He softly called her out with his eyes closed.

She patted his arm. "I'll be right back."

She went out of his room in search of medicines. Awhile later, she came back with not only medicines but also a towel and a bowl of lukewarm water.

"Hyunjun ah." She called and he hummed in response. "Come and eat medicine." She sat at the edge of the bed and held his neck for support as she gave him the medicine.

He laid down again afterwards and she started dampening the towel with the water. With her concerned eyes, she carefully patted the damp towel on his forehead and his neck area. She also warmed up his cold hands before leaving the towel on his forehead.

As she was fixing the blanket on him, he used his remaining energy to grab her wrist. "D-don't go, don't l-leave me a-lone... P-please..." He mumbled with his small eyes.

Meeting his gaze, a small sigh escaped from her lips. "I won't, not until your friends come back. Just sleep."

He nodded weakly and rested his eyes once again. Instead of letting go of her hand, he clasped their hands. His action definitely caught her off guard that her body stiffened.

She shifted her gaze to her hand before going back to his face. Using her free hand, she slowly reached out with the intention of fixing the strands of his hair. But realization soon hit her and she quickly took back her hand.

She then pulled the nearest chair and placed it by the bed so that she could sit with her hand still clasped with his.

Why did you do that? She questioned in her brain as she gently warmed his hand with her hands.


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