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After a refreshed shower back at home, Yiseul dressed up for another day at work.

"You still like him don't you?"

Yiseul halted her movement just as she stepped out of her room.

Arms folded, Yeosang was sitting comfortably in the living room as he waited to talk to his sister.

Yiseul sighed as she took a few steps forward closer to her brother. "Why are you here? Don't you have schedule today?"

"Didn't you see my texts and calls I gave you last night? I asked our parents and they said you weren't home."

"So you came to my workplace to check on me?" She frowned in unhappiness. "I'm old enough, I know what I'm doing."

"Noona, that's not the whole point." He said as he stood up, facing his sister. "I just don't want you to be heartbroken once again, especially by the same person."

Yiseul scrunched her nose as time clicking with exchanged of eye contacts. "I'm strong, I'm not the same girl in high school."

Knowing her stubbornness, he backed down as he reached out for his back pockets. "If that's what you say. Anyways I wanted to pass you this." He then handed over a pair of tickets.


"Yeah, come with your friend. Not him." He mumbled the last part but it was audible enough for her to hear.

She snorted. "Yeah yeah, I'll bring my friend." She answered with her gaze fixed on the tickets. Why would I bring him anyways...

With not much words exchanged, the siblings left home to their respective work schedules.



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Joey sighed the moment she placed down her phone on her lap

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Joey sighed the moment she placed down her phone on her lap.

"Bipolar much?" Eric judged his own sister with his eyebrows furrowed. "You were laughing madly while texting then now you're sighing?"

She eyed her little brother for a moment before explaining her situation. "Yiseul invited me to a concert but I'm not free on that day."

Hyunjun who was just right beside the siblings in the living room, perked upon hearing his ex's name.

"Whose concert?" Sunwoo butted in the conversation.


Eric scrunched his nose. "Didn't know you're a fan of them."

"Uhhhhhhhh one of them is her brother." She spilled a fact that shocked the boyz.

"Holey shoooooot WHAT!?" Eric shrieked.

"Thank god you're the only loud one I have to deal with in this house." Joey made a remark.

"Hyunjae hyung is discharging soon though." Sunwoo said.

Joey glared at the latter. "Not so soon yet."

"Still, it's soon." Sunwoo argued.

Eric shrieked again but this time his eyes were on his phone, halting the argument between his sister and his friend. "Her brother is goddamn handsome just like a sculpture!"

"How'd you know?"

Eric showed his phone screen to the rest which was Ateez's profile page. "He's the only one with the surname 'Kang'."

"Woah, he was a bighit trainee." Sunwoo commented as he read the fun facts listed under Yeosang's profile.

"Really!??" Eric asked in his loudest voice and his sister gave up by rubbing her temple. "He must have known BTS!!"

"Who doesn't know BTS?" Sunwoo asked back at the questionable statement made by his friend.

Before another bickering could erupt, Hyunjun stepped in. "Can I go?"

Like meerkats, Joey and the boyz turned their heads to face the latter.

With his quivering eyes, Hyunjun searched for the right words to explain his reason. "I mean, I'm a-a fan of Ateez too."

"Oh, you are?" Joey asked while the boyz kept their silence. Hyunjun nodded and Joey looked away. "Cool, you go and text her then."

There was no response and she looked back at the younger one. "Fine, I'll text her." She then quickly texted her friend while the boyz were exchanging glances to one another.

" She then quickly texted her friend while the boyz were exchanging glances to one another

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"She said ok."

"That quick?" Eric asked, confused with Yiseul's fast reply.

Joey shrugged.

Though he was confused as well, a small smile could not escape from Hyunjun's face.

Meanwhile, Yiseul was zoning out on her bed. It was her rest day after a couple of days of meeting her brother.

"Does Jo even know Hyunjun was my ex?" She started mumbling to herself with her eyes on the ceiling.

She then ruffled her hair as she felt unsure if she did the right thing. "It would only be weird if I reject though... Dumb me, I should have just lied that I found someone to go with."

She groaned in frustration. "But then lying is not the way to go..."

She finally gave up by sighing in defeat. "I guess this is it. One last time and cut it all with him."

Speaking of the devil, she received a text from him. Is he spying on me or something??

She tossed her phone aside and sighed once again

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She tossed her phone aside and sighed once again. "Since when did he become a cutesy man with all those emojis????" She growled in annoyance of herself once again.


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