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With that, Yiseul quickly yanked her hand away from Hyunjun's grasp. She forced out her smile as she turned and met her friend.

"I miss you so much!" Joey ran and threw her arms around Yiseul.

Yiseul returned the hug as she smiled to the rest.

"Hey noona!" Eric waved while Sunwoo chinned up in acknowledging her presence. "Hyunjunie?"

Hyunjun rubbed his nape as he stepped aside, making a clearer vision of himself to his friends.

"What are you doing here?" Sunwoo asked.

"Helping her with the case." Hyunjun mumbled as he pointed at Yiseul.

"Oh really??" Joey asked as soon as they pulled apart from the hug.

Yiseul nodded her head to avoid any suspicion.

"Cool, anyways let's eat dinner together. I'm hungry." Joey patted her tummy as she linked her free arm with Yiseul's.

Yiseul let out her soft chuckles. "Sure."

"You guys wanna come along?" Joey asked the boyz.

Eric nodded. "Count me in."

"I'm in too." Sunwoo added.

They looked at the quiet Hyunjun who eventually gave in and nodded.


The dinner was rather calmer than expected with just the boyz casually chatting among themselves and Joey chirping once in awhile.

It was normal for Yiseul to be quiet when it comes to a bigger group of people gathered since she's an introvert. But this time Joey assumed wrongly, Hyunjun was the reason for Yiseul to keep herself quiet. She was completely aware of her ex boyfriend stealing glances every now and then.

Yiseul's sudden ringtone caught everyone's attention. She mouthed 'sorry' before picking up the call, facing the other side.

"Hello?" Yiseul's eyes then bulged out. "Where did you see him?" With that, everyone looked at her as they were suspecting the 'him' was referring to the serial penknife slasher.

Why is he running away if he was pleaded guilty? Tsk, no doubt he's the culprit indeed.

"Okay, don't lose him. I'll be there shortly." Yiseul ended the phone call then faced her friend with her apologetic look.

"It's okay, be careful." Joey advised with her reassuring smile.

Yiseul pursed her lips and nodded. "I'll catch up with you soon, see you." She got up and waved, without forgetting to smile at the boyz, except for Hyunjun of course.

"Wait, I'm coming with you!" Joey quickly got up from her seat and followed her friend out of the restaurant.

When the girls were out of their sights, Eric looked at his food and kept poking it. "The more I see Detective Kang, the more I find her familiar."

Sunwoo scoffed. "Do you forget how you can be friends with literally anyone and everyone?"

Eric rolled his eyes. "I know but she's just someone I really know."

Sunwoo lifted his eyebrow. "Hasn't it been close to one year since you met her?"

"Uh huh?" Eric questioned back.

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