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"When did you start stealing?" Yiseul questioned.

While she was doing the interrogation on behalf of the team out of her will, Hyunjun patiently waited for her outside after retrieving back his stolen items.

"6 months ago but trust me, I didn't use or sell any!" I just store it inside the cabinet, so please lessen my punishments. I don't want to get expelled from school." Joomin pleaded with his hands clasped.

Yiseul stifled a laugh instead. "Then what were you planning to do with those stolen items? Open an exhibition of used phones and wallets?"

He looked down while fiddling with his fingers. "It's for assurance. I don't have much money and I'm afraid of loan people would hunt me down again." He answered that Yiseul did not buy a tiny pity on him.

"Then work your ass off instead of stealing." She coldly said as she was busy typing his statements.

He scoffed instead. "You don't understand. I'm a college student and I'm too busy for work!" He argued. "You must have not gone to college before don't you? Either that or you're born in a wealthy family." He mocked.

Other detectives felt frustrated but controlled themselves as they knew how well Yiseul would handle these kinds of situations. They silently sighed as they watched the ongoing interrogation.

"I don't see why you're targeting me out of nowhere and it's pointless for me to clear your doubt." She then flicked her eyes to the latter. "If you think you're the only one living in such condition, think again. There are even far worse situations yet you're not even grateful to be accepted in a local university. For your information, not everyone gets the chance to study in your college."

He snorted a laugh. "Well, that's because they are dumb and I'm smart enough to be acceped."

"Oh please, if you're that smart, you wouldn't have stolen all those items and left traces behind." She counter attacked which left him speechless.

Gritting his teeth, he was fuming in anger as he could not argue back since he was the one that made the mistake.

"You know, no matter how desperate you are, taking shortcuts is not the answer. What comes easy won't last and what last won't come easy. There is no substitute for hardwork." She then returned back her gaze on the screen to wrap up the case. "Anyways, about the expelling issue, that's for your school to decide. So goodluck." She concluded with a small fake smile of hers after saving the document on the computer.

She then made eye contact with officer Song before chinning towards the culprit who was baffled by her words of advice, to take him away.

Awhile later after talking with other detectives, she finally stepped out of the room and met Hyunjun in the hallway.

"Have you collected your things in the next room?" She asked with her finger pointed at the next door.

He nodded as he waved his stolen items in the air.

"Then why are you still here...?"

"Lunch." With a small of his, he asked in hope to have another meal with her.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she glanced at the clock displaying at the end of the hallway. "It's almost 4 now."

"Late lunch, early dinner." He stubbornly answered, not wanting to give up.

She sighed in defeat. "Alright fine." She accepted since she had not eaten yet afterall.


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