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"Thanks for the coffee." Yiseul raised the cup in her hand.

Detective Choi winked then opened the door of the cafe. "Lady first~"

Yiseul snorted a laugh as she walked past her fellow detective. "Tell me, why are you bribing me?" She asked when both had stepped out of the cafe.

"Ayeeee~ I've always been nice to you." Detective Choi playfully nudged her shoulder as they walked along the pavement by the road back to their station.

Yiseul jokingly rolled her eyes. "Okay fine, what's the favor?"

Detective Choi smiled before clearing his throat. "So you see, our team is full of old uncles." He started off and Yiseul nodded as she was drinking. "And you're the youngest detective in our station. We need your help to blend in with students in university. Just one day. Wait no, half a day." He ended with his pleading smile.

Yiseul pressed her lips firmly as she pondered. "Is this the case your team has been working on since months ago??"

"Yah, why do you have to word it as if it's been so long!" Detective Choi showed his sullen look. "At first we thought it was normal theft but we have been getting similar reports from the same university. Come on, do us a favor please?"

"Okay okay. But not this week though, my team is busy with the domestic violence case." Yiseul said with her apologetic face.

Detective Choi waved his hand as he shook his head. "I know, you're part of our plan b. If we find a lead, you don't have to do undercover for us anymore." He reassured with a smile.

Yiseul returned her smile. "Or you can be the one doing the undercover instead." She joked.

Detective Choi lowered his chin while frowning. "With this face of mine???"

"Why?? There is no age limit to study anyways." Yiseul shrugged as she stated a fact.

Detective Choi clicked his tongue. "But you're aware of our judgemental society right."

Yiseul heaved a sigh. "Anyways, I heard Detective Yang once assisted your team with an undercover as well."

Detective Choi hummed as he nodded. "What about it?"

"Don't you think it's time to find younger detectives for your department? You have been using detectives from our Violent Crimes Unit." Yiseul teased.

"Seems like I have been too lenient on you for you to make fun of me, huh?" Detective Choi jokingly scolded.

They may be in different units and worked on different cases but they have always been fond of each other like father and daughter. Their close relationship started when their teams had to share office due to some renovation works.

As they were bickering down the path, a random stranger walked up.

"Excuse me, are you a student? Do you perhaps have some time to spare?"

Yiseul was flustered that she looked at Detective Choi first before looking back at the stranger. "Sorry but I'm not a student and we're going back to work."

"Oh... What about 10 minutes??" The stranger then passed his business card to Yiseul. "I'm a director for this magazine. Our current female model just..." He went speechless as he showed his worried face when he turned back.

Both detectives followed his gaze and there was an ongoing photoshoot with two models on the street. Yiseul squinted her eyes as the male model was very familiar to her and that was none other than her ex whom she had not been in contact with for the past few weeks.

He looks uncomfortable... The female model was seen flirting with Hyunjun by linking her arms and sticking very close to him. Yiseul scrunched her nose in disgust and just then she met his gaze. She quickly avoided his gaze and returned back her attention to the director.

"Just 10 minutes. We will assist you with the positioning." Director pleaded as he was desperate.

"But... Why me though?" Yiseul could not help but to question the director's choice.

"I've been looking around for a suitable one and you caught my eye when you were walking down the road. Your natural smile is the most beautiful one and I'm sure you can pull this off." Director explained.

Yiseul rubbed her nape as she felt unsure. Detective Choi gave a side nudge then chinned to the photoshoot. "Just help them quick, 10 minutes ain't that long anyways."

Yiseul puffed her cheeks before giving a nod. "Alright." She then passed her coffee to Detective Choi.

"Thank you so much!" Director smiled in relief and led Yiseul to the photoshoot while Detective Choi waited at the side.

When Yiseul was in his sight once again, but this time closer, Hyunjun shoved the sly model and kept his gaze on his ex. No, I'm scaring her. He scolded himself and looked elsewhere as he did not want Yiseul to feel uncomfortable by his stare.

Yiseul was given a pair of clothings to change and while she was changing, the director settled on the sly model by dismissing her on the spot. After changing, Yiseul joined and stood beside Hyunjun with a small gap in between.

"Okay, we need you to link your arm with his and lean your head on his arm. Oh and that smile I mentioned earlier." Director instructed Yiseul and she obeyed with slight hesitation.

Afterwards, Hyunjun was instructed to backhug Yiseul which both were stunned for a moment. "I'm sorry." Hyunjun softly muttered which was only audible to Yiseul.

Yiseul hummed in giving him the permission and braced herself what was about to come. Hyunjun slowly wrapped his arms around her waist then lowered his head to her neck, breathing in her scent with a mix of longing and sadness.

Both of them were suffering deep down in their hearts but they managed to pull it off and satisfy the director's expectations with their facial expressions.

"Okay, one more shot and we can wrap up!" Photographer said.

Finally, 10 minutes feel like ages. Yiseul faked her smile to the camera.

"I miss you." He whispered and her smile dropped right after the last shot was taken. What did he, just- W-what?

"Yah, are you not going to change?" Here comes Detective Choi nagging his adopted daughter after watching the photoshoot.

"Oh? Oh yeah..." Yiseul mumbled as she was brought back to her senses.

When she looked up, Hyunjun was already far away walking to the male restroom to change his outfit. Her vision was then blocked by the stylist who has her clothes. "Thank you."

After changing back to her clothes, she returned to the location and was paid by the director who was very grateful for her help. She then joined Detective Choi to head back but her eyes kept wandering the place in search of him without her realizing.

"Why? What's wrong?" Detective Choi asked as he looked back as well where the staffs were seen packing the equipments.

"Ah, nothing." Yiseul shook her head. What was I thinking??

Indeed, Hyunjun had already left right after he returned the outfit to the stylist. As he was driving back home with sentimental songs played in the car, he took a sudden brake and stopped at the side of the road.

Her scent I've been longing all these while... I want her back. He swiftly changed the gear and made a sharp u-turn at the next junction.


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