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Yiseul woke up to only realize that she was sleeping on Hyunjun's bed and he was not there. She ran out of her room and met her friend in the living room.

"Oh you're awake." Joey spared a glance as she was working on her comic.

"Yeah..." Yiseul answered with her eyes wandering, in search of her ex.

"He went to take your car." Joey answered without waiting for her question. "And he prepared your breakfast in the kitchen." She chinned to the kitchen's direction.

"Oh, thanks." Yiseul rushed back inside the room and grabbed her phone in her bag to make a phone call.

"Pick up your goddamn phone...." She mumbled as she paced back and forth with her phone on her ear.


Felt complicated with the question, her call definitely saved his ass.


Hyunjun could not even say hello and on quick reflex, he put his phone further from his ear.

Recognizing his own sister's voice, Yeosang snatched the phone and answered the call instead. "Noona. Where are you and who is this guy??"

There was a moment of silence on the other line which made it awkward for Hyunjun as all he get was a burning death stare from Yeosang.

"My friend and he's sick." Yiseul answered in a more calm tone. "Can you please send him back home?"

Yeosang did not utter a single word as he eyed the so-called friend claimed by his sister. Hyunjun awkwardly scrunched his nose in fear as he was fidgeting in his spot. Despite wearing a mask, Yeosang gave off an intimidating vibe just through his sharp gaze.

"Bro? Yoohoo?" Yiseul's voice broke the silence as well as the eye contacts.

Yeosang silently sighed as he rubbed his temple with his free hand and eyes closed. "I'll send him back. Don't worry." He finally answered which reassured his sister on the other line.


Yeosang returned the phone back to its owner then chinned to the car. "Pass me her car key, I'll drive."

"O-oh." Hyunjun stammered on his words as he obeyed.

They then boarded Yiseul's car which was filled with heavy air. The drive was quiet as expected after giving his address to the scary brother.

Yeosang could not even do anything as Hyunjun's face was as pale as a winter storm and he could sense his sister being worried over her ex. I'll just talk to him another time. A long heavy sigh escaped from his mouth once again that caught Hyunjun off guard.

He knows I'm her ex, he definitely knows who I am and what I did back then. I'm sure he does.... Hyunjun looked out of the window in full of uneasiness.

After seemingly an infinity hours of drive for Hyunjun, they had arrived back at his apartment shared with his friends. Both got off the car and Yeosang tossed the car key to Hyunjun who caught it with his quick reflex.

"Are you... not coming up?" Hyunjun cautiously asked the man who had his hands in the pockets of his winter coat.

Yeosang shook his head as he took steps away. "She's fine, that's all that matters." He then paused in his track to turn his head. "And you." He looked directly at Hyunjun's eyes once again. "Get well soon. I'll talk to you another time" His words muffled behind his mask since he was kind of mumbling.

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