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"Happy graduation!"

Time flew and it was the 98z and 99z graduation day. As what he expected, Yiseul did not turn up despite her best friend graduating from college.

Can't she at least come for Jo? Hyunjun clicked his tongue as he thought about it.

"Why?" Eric nudged Hyunjun's side. "What's wrong?"

Hyunjun shook his head with his crossed arms in dissatisfaction.

Eric eyed the latter before shrugging and walked over to Juyeon for photo taking.

Truth was, Yiseul had an important case on that day. No matter how much she wanted to avoid her ex, there is no way she would not want to attend her own close friend's graduation day.

And this misunderstanding caused Hyunjun to be more disappointed in Yiseul.



Tissues scattered in the living room, Joey was bawling her eyes out after sending her boyfriend off to the military. Yiseul could only pat her back in comforting her sorrow.

Days had passed and Joey was still sad over it to the point that Yiseul had to come down on one of her off days to visit.

"Are you gonna cry until there are no more tears?" Yiseul said as she picked up tissues on the floor.

"1 week and I should be okay." Joey sobbed in between her words.

Yiseul snorted a laugh as she cleared up the mess. "How did you hold back your tears when you were sending him off at the base?"

Joey pouted her lips and shrugged. "I had to or I'll look too miserable in front of him and he wouldn't want to leave me."

Yiseul nodded with her pursed lips

Just then, the door opened and the 00z boyz came in after having a friendly foot volleyball match in the  neighbourhood.


"Sup noona."

Yiseul returned Eric and Sunwoo's greeting with her smile.

Hyunjun coldly walked past to his room without sparing a glance and Yiseul returned her attention back to her friend.

"Looks like you have lost all of your tears." Yiseul made a remark as Joey was no longer crying.

Joey sniffed. "I found something interesting."

Yiseul raised an eyebrow. "What is?"

Stretching her lips wider, Joey shook her head. "Nothing." There's something about you two. I'm sure of it.

Yiseul scoffed playfully and slapped Joey's arm. "Clean up the rest, nature is calling." She stood up and went to the washroom.

Joey obediently cleaned up her own mess and such coincidence to have witnessed Hyunjun walking out of his room. "Yiseul is inside."

"Oh." Hyunjun made a u-turn back into his room with his unreadable face.

What could possibly happen after sending her back home the other day? Joey scratched her neck as she pondered on the possibilities.


Ever since the boyz came back, the girls had been in Joey's room the entire day because of Yiseul's excuses.

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