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"I'm homeee~" With heavy shoulders, Yiseul dragged her feet to the living room and plopped on the sofa.

24 hours eventually passed and she did not have sufficient evidence to lock the culprit. She felt so devastated that she missed the chance to cuff that man.

"Noona!" Yeosang who was already homed, quickly ran out of his room to find his sister draining at the couch with her arm on her forehead and eyes shut.

Yiseul removed her arm and shifted her gaze to her brother. She pulled out her smile as she got up and gave a long warm hug to her brother. "How have you been?"

"Doing good, noona?" Yeosang answered while gently stroking Yiseul's back.

"Dying." Yiseul joked with a laugh.

Yeosang pulled away and cupped his sister's face with his serious face. "You really do look like you're dying." He tried to lift up the mood as he knew she was worn out from work.

Yiseul snorted as she lightly slapped Yeosang's hands away, receiving snickers from the latter. "Where's mom and dad?"

Yeosang chinned at the door. "Out grocery shopping for dinner."

Yiseul nodded. "And when are you going back?"

"Tomorrow morning. We have schedules in the afternoon." Yeosang pursed his lips.

Yiseul scrunched her nose. "Tough life being an idol."

"Not as tough as your career." Bitter smile was then plastered on Yeosang's face.

Yiseul shrugged. "Well now at least I get to see you after so long." She squeezed her brother's nose.

Yeosang playfully glared at her roughness. "Aren't you gonna shower?"

"Before that." Yiseul then wrapped her arms around Yeosang's waist. "Let me share my stinkiness to you first." She rapped and he quickly squirmed out of her grasp.

"Eiiii noona!!" Yeosang frowned while his sister laughed wholeheartedly to his reaction.

She then playfully winked as she waved before leaving to her room.

Yeosang shook his head with his lips pressed firmly as he watched his sister walking away. Oh how much I miss noona. If only I could stay here longer. He sighed in defeat.


"Did you just get home??" Eric questioned with his knitted eyebrows.

Hyunjun took a step back upon Eric's sudden nagging the moment he reached their dorm. He nodded with his blank face.

"Alone???" Eric continued.

Hyunjun nodded again.

Eric scooted closer and whacked Hyunjun's back. "Our neighbourhood is in danger with that penknife slasher going around and you still dare to be out this timing alone???"

Joey who was studying perked upon the term 'penknife slasher'. She bolted from her seat and joined the boyz in the living room. "Has it passed 24hours? Did she manage to lock him up??"

Hyunjun shrugged in return.

Joey frowned. "Then why are you back so late? Weren't you with her the whole day??"

Hyunjun rubbed the back of his neck as he was attacked by the Sohn siblings. "I only met her in the morning."

Joey huffed her cheeks as she nodded. "I'll go and check with her then." She then left to her room.

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