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Empty thoughts, Yiseul was looking at the wall from her sitting position on her bed until her brother knocked on her door.

"Noona, can I come in?" Yeosang's words muffled behind the door.

Yiseul blinked her eyes as she brought her senses back. "Yeah, come in." She answered as she brought up her legs, hugging them close to her chest.

Yeosang walked in and scooted closer after closing the door behind. Wary of the situation he had witnessed earlier, he slowly sat down by the edge of his sister's bed.

"Noona." He softly called and Yiseul hummed in response without looking at him. "Your boyfriend?" He asked.

Yiseul shook her head in return with her mouth sealed.

"Then?" Yeosang asked with his knitted eyebrows.

Yiseul shrugged. "I don't know."

Yeosang literally had his jaws dropped upon hearing her answer. "So you're telling me that you were hugging a random stranger just now!??"

Yiseul was startled as her brother suddenly raised his voice but she was quick enough to reach for his mouth and cover with her hands.

"Don't wake our parents up." She hissed and her brother gave a quick nod. She then removed her hands and went back to her previous position. "He's my ex."

As promised, Yeosang did not raise his voice. Instead, his eyes went wide in surprise. "That player???" He whispered.

Yiseul sighed before giving her nods.

"Why was he here???" Yeosang questioned.

"He was the witness for one of my cases." Yiseul answered with her eyes on her bedsheet. "And also happened to be my friend's friend."

There was a moment of silence before Yeosang uttered a word. "Joey?" Yiseul hummed and he was completely shocked by how small the world is. "Did he hurt you?" He added.

With her bitter smile, Yiseul shook her head. "I just do not want to be near him again."

Yeosang licked his lips with his concerned face. He silently scooted closer and pulled Yiseul into his embrace.

Despite his trainee life back then, he was still contactable for his dear sister especially and he knew the pain she had gone through in high school.

She was a wallflower but one day she fell in love with Hyunjun though she was aware of his player personality. Since she had no friends, she talked to her brother for advice.

No matter how many times he said no, she continued to persuade him to allow her. He eventually gave in since it was her biggest wish to date someone before graduating from high school.

Ever since she started dating, he could feel the happiness just from texting and of course he was happy for her too. But deep down, he was still worried since Hyunjun was a player afterall.

His guts were right and expected that the happiness fell apart when they broke up. But, he did not know the existence of the promise between the couple that led his sister to feel so heartbroken.

If he knew, could he have hunted Hyunjun down?


For hours, Hyunjun had been watching the night sea scenery after dragging his feets from his ex place.

His friends had been giving him calls but he did not answer since he muted his phone. Leaving them no choice, they went to search for him in all those possible areas though it was already late night.

"Jo noona?" Hyunjun asked the moment his friends joined him.

"Sleeping." Eric answered.

"And you left her alone?" Hyunjun questioned.

Eric snorted a laugh. "She's a grownup lady and sleeping at our house, it's totally safe unlike you loitering out in the middle of the night."

Hyunjun forced out a laugh. "I just don't want to die in the hands of Juyeonie hyung."

"You like her, don't you?" Sunwoo changed the topic. "Detective Kang." He added.

Hyunjun sighed upon hearing her name. "I feel so miserable whenever I look at her." He started off. "Her eyes, full of hatred and pain. She dated me despite knowing I was a player. Breaking up was expected but I hurt her. I b-broke our promise." He started to choke on his words.

"You do know that she was not the only one you hurt, but the rest of the girls you have dated as well?" Eric said.

Hyunjun shook his head. "No." He answered firmly. "Those girls only loved my money. They cried because they didn't have the luxury anymore. But Yiseul noona was different, she loved me for who I am. And I only realized it too late. I left her when I shouldn't have. I treated her too lightly."

"It's not too late." Sunwoo butted in. "You already have feelings for her since school days."

Both Hyunjun and Eric turned their head in confusion. "W-what?" Hyunjun frowned in disbelief.

"Correct me if I'm wrong. You left her for that transfer student yet you broke up with that girl after a week because you felt bored." Sunwoo said.

Hyunjun slowly nodded as he recalled.

"And since then, you stopped dating girls cause you've lost interest in them. Your player title in high school didn't even last for a year." Sunwoo added.

"Ahhh..." Eric snapped his fingers. "Then there's a possibility that you've already liked her. Jo noona told me she didn't have any friends in high school and since she was a low profile in school, you could hardly see her in school. That's probably why you didn't realize it sooner."

Right ever since we broke up, I didn't see her until recently. Hyunjun bit his lower lips as he pondered. "But, either way it's still too late. Am I not?"

Sunwoo patted Hyunjun's back. "Your sudden appearance could have scared her so I would say take it slow. Don't rush."

Eric nodded in agreement. "Make it up to her and show your sincere feelings. It's hard since you broke her trust before but still, don't give up and accept this as your punishment for hurting her."

After a moment of silence, Hyunjun sighed in relief that his friends were there for him. "Thanks guys."

I hope it's not too late, please come back to me.


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