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With some distance, Yiseul kept a close watch as she tailed the culprit's movement. Just when the culprit began to speed up his pace, Yiseul knew what was about to come.

"Watch out!" She yelled.

Both the culprit and the girl he was following instantly turned to the owner of the voice. Before the culprit could even curse, Yiseul made use of her martial arts skill and sent a flying kick right on the culprit's face.

"F*CK." Culprit groaned in frustration as he staggered while trying to stand up.

Yiseul defensively brought the girl behind her and pulled out her expandable baton when the culprit took out his infamous neon green penknife.

Culprit squinted his eyes and finally recognized Yiseul. "You.... again?" He scoffed as he wiped the blood at the corner of his lips.

Instead of replying, Yiseul fearlessly shot her menacing glare.

Culprit showed his evil crooked smile before launching his attack. Despite having much experience in countering such attacks, Yiseul was being extremely careful as she was cautious of his sneaky attacks.

I need to get that knife away... Yiseul licked her lips as she waited for the culprit to get his ass up again after being attacked by her 360 degree crescent kick.

At that period of time, the culprit was already annoyed and began to attack recklessly. Yiseul took that opportunity to get that knife away since he was losing his focus. With beads of sweat on her forehead, she managed to pin him down on the ground by sitting on his back with her hands locking his hands.

Just when she was about to reach for her handcuff in her back pocket, he squirmed out of her grasp and used his free hand to take out another penknife hidden in his cast. In a split second, he slid the penknife on her arm causing blood gushing out profusely.

"YAISH!" Yiseul was harshly shoved aside when she was distracted with the sudden pain. The girl who had been anxiously waiting for police to come after making a call, gasped in shock and ran to Yiseul's side.

Culprit then took the opportunity to flee instead of continuing his attack but of course Yiseul will never let go of him when he was just right in front of her eyes. She quickly got on her feet and ran in an attempt to catch up.

Such coincidence, the culprit bumped into Hyunjun who had been searching for them. He grabbed the culprit's shirt but had to distance himself as the culprit was recklessly swinging his penknife around.

Yiseul quickly caught up and the culprit was soon pinned down once again with the help of Hyunjun. As she was handcuffing the culprit, Hyunjun took notice of the long cut on her arm.

Just in time Detective Yang and other police officers came. The culprit was then handed over to Detective Yang while Yiseul collected the penknives lying on the ground with Hyunjun who had his concerned eyes fixed on her.

She then walked over to the witness who was still trembling from the whole incident that unfolds right in front of her eyes. "I know it's pretty late now but we would appreciate it if you could follow us to the station and give your statement."

The witness nodded her head in agreement.

Yiseul gave a small smile before shifting her gaze to Hyunjun who had been looking at her the whole time. She smacked her lips as she took steps forward. "Uhm thank you and you're coming with us too."

Hyunjun hummed in response then held out his hand. "Give me your key, I'll drive."

"I can drive." Yiseul stubbornly said as she walked past him to her car.

"Kang Yiseul." Hyunjun sternly called her out.

Yiseul took a deep breath and exhaled before turning her heels, throwing her key to her ex.


Yiseul stood by the witness who was giving her statement to Detective Yang.

"I'll send her back." Yiseul said once it was done.

Detective Yang eyed his colleague. "Officer Song can do that. You need to get treatment." He chinned to Yiseul's arm which was self wrapped with a cloth.

"I can go later." Yiseul could not be bothered by it but soon she felt the stare coming from none other than her ex.

"Can I give my statement now?" Hyunjun butted in.

"O-oh sure." Detective Yang proceeded on while the other witness went off with Officer Song.

There's no way I can argue him back with the eyes of my workmates here. Yiseul silently left to her desk to wrap her things as she did not want to be seen waiting for her ex to be done. She knew Hyunjun was rushing to give his statement so that he could bring her to the hospital for treatment afterwards.

"Alright, thank you. You may leave." Detective Yang gave his small smile and Hyunjun stood up without forgetting to bow.

Yiseul took steps away from her desk but was interrupted by Hyunjun. "Your phone."

Yiseul touched her back pockets then followed Hyunjun's eyes on her desk. With much embarrassment, she walked back to retrieve her phone before heading out followed by Hyunjun.


The journey to the nearest hospital was intensely quiet. Yiseul only either looked out of the window or used her phone while Hyunjun was driving.

In the hospital, Yiseul was getting treatment by a doctor with Hyunjun right beside her. She tried her best to control but she would wince in pain once in awhile.

Hyunjun silently grabbed her free hand and placed it on his arm. She turned and cluelessly met his eyes.

"Hold it." He ordered.

She blinked her eyes before obeying and ended up squeezing his flesh as she could not take it anymore.

This is the best I could give it to her. Hyunjun bit his lower lip as he suppressed the pain he was getting from his ex.

"Okay, done. Be careful when you shower and don't forget to take the medicine I had prescribed for you here." Doctor handed over a slip of paper.

"Thank you." Yiseul bowed.

Doctor nodded. "Thank your boyfriend too. It's already past midnight."

Yiseul waved her hands in denial while Hyunjun bowed. "We will take our move now." He said as he gently dragged Yiseul out of the room.

"Wait." He then told her to sit while he went to the counter to pay for the treatment and get the medicines.

Without much thought, she watched his back as she waited. Only when he turned back to head where she was then she quickly shifted her gaze elsewhere.

"Let's go, I'll drive you home."

Yiseul got on her feet and they walked to the parking lot without any interaction.

"Uh, same address?" Hyunjun asked after he turned on the engine.

Yiseul hummed as she looked out of the window.

Her home was not that far but it felt like ages. She got out of her car with him once they reached her home.

"It's late. You can just take my car." She chinned to her car.

He stepped forward and returned back her car key instead. "I'll give you space." He softly said before turning his heels and walked away.

He himself needed to sort out his feelings especially when finals just around the corner. I'll wait when you're ready to talk.

Yiseul looked at the car key in her hand then looked at his back once again. I'm sorry that I'm clearly avoiding you but thank you for today.


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