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Clearing her throat, Yiseul diverted her gaze back at the computer screen. "Name?" She started questioning with her poker face.

"Heo Hyunjun."

There was a slight pause before Yiseul proceeded with her questioning. "Did the culprit use a knife?"

"Yeah, it's a neon green penknife." Hyunjun answered calmly, with his eyes fixed on Yiseul who only looked at the screen.

"Did you see where he throws or hides the penknife?"

"Nope, he fled right away."

Yiseul could feel the stare from her ex but to avoid losing her professionalism, she rather not return his eye contacts. "Alright, please confirm the culprit for us." She nudged the officer who had been standing beside her throughout the investigation.

"That's all??" Officer Song asked with a slight raise in his tone.

Hyunjun was confused too.

Yiseul hummed in response as she wrapped up her documents. She turned to meet Officer Song's puzzled face and chinned to Hyunjun's direction, indirectly telling the officer to bring Hyunjun where the culprit was.

Officer Song blinked his eyes in return, still in disbelief. He then held out his arm. "Come with me, Hyunjun."

Once they had exited the room, Yiseul grabbed her cup of water and chugged it all down.


Back in high school, Yiseul was on the way to the toilet when her boyfriend popped out of nowhere.

"Noona, let's skip last class." Hyunjun whispered with his arm slung on her shoulder.

"Huh?" Yiseul was shocked by his request as she had never skipped any of her classes before. She may be bad in study but she was not a rebellion kid.

Hyunjun pouted and patted his tummy with his free hand. "I'm hungry."

Yiseul chuckled at his cuteness before shaking her head, not agreeing to his request.

Hyunjun furrowed his eyebrows. "Ah babe, whyyyyy?" He whined as he pulled Yiseul back from taking anymore steps.

Yiseul sighed. "Jun... I need to pee."

Hyunjun wrapped another arm around her, hugging her tightly in the middle of their school's corridor. "Not until you agree."

Yiseul anxiously looked around for any teachers or students nearby. "Hyunjun!" She hissed as she tried to squirm out of his grasp.

"Nah uh." Hyunjun stubbornly refused to let her go and placed his head on her shoulder.

"Okay fine. Just this one time." Yiseul surrendered but Hyunjun was still not letting her go. "Hyunjun!!"

Hyunjun evilly chuckled as he slowly released her. "See you later babe." He planted a quick kiss on her cheek.

Yiseul gasped in shock and returned a few punches on his chest. "We are in school."

"I know." Hyunjun proudly smiled as he shrugged.

Yiseul clicked her tongue and stomped away to the toilet which she was urgently needed to use.

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