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"Done! Guys come here!" Changmin cued.

"There's a small passage here." Yiseul looked inside and she screamed as she retreated.

"Why why??"

Yiseul scrunched her nose as she regained her composure, avoiding everyone's eye contacts. "Clowns..." She said in her soft voice. I'm dead.

Her number one enemy... Hyunjun worriedly looked at Yiseul from a distance.

"Oooo my friends!" Changmin chimed and was the first to go through the passage followed by everyone else except for Yiseul.

"Is the next room full of clowns?" Hyunjun scooted closer and towered his ex.

Yiseul shook her head with her eyes on Hyunjun's shirt. "I don't know but the passage to go there was narrow with clowns on both sides."

Hyunjun heaved a worried sigh as he gently patted Yiseul's head in comforting her. "We have to go there to escape."

"I know." Yiseul mumbled.

"Stay right behind me." Hyunjun commanded and softly pulled her behind him, wrapping her arms on his waist.  "Close your eyes and listen to my voice."

Yiseul obeyed and hugged tighter as Hyunjun took the lead. With her head leaning against his back, he held onto her arms as they slowly walked.

♪You should tell me why 'cause♪
♪I don't wanna feel like this, oh♪
♪You made me blind 'cause♪
♪All I ever see is you♪
♪When I'm with you♪
♪Know that you're the only one I ever wanted♪
♪If you feel like I'm the one for you, then want me♪
♪I can give you all the world, you deserve it♪

"And I- We are here." Hyunjun stopped singing which snapped Yiseul back into her senses.

"T-thanks." Yiseul muttered as she unwrapped her arms and distant herself, joining the rest in searching for hints.

"Wait." Hyunjun grabbed Yiseul's wrist.

She looked at his hand before shifting her gaze to the owner.

"Can I send you back later?" Hyunjun asked with a slight of hesitation.

After a moment of silence, Yiseul nodded and Hyunjun let her free.

I did it. Hyunjun silently fist pumped in the air before joining his friends.


After having some thrills in the escape rooms, they went to have dinner nearby.

"Working tomorrow?" Joey asked as she fed her clingy boyfriend a spoonful of her food.

Yiseul hummed in response. "Morning shift." She faked a smile.

Joey smiled bitterly as she exchanged gazes with her friend. She then nudged her boyfriend. "Let's eat fast so we can send her back early."

Juyeon who was listening to the whole conversation, nodded in agreement.

Yiseul was quick to wave her hands in rejecting the offer, not wanting to rush her friend. "It's okay, he's sending me back." She chinned to Hyunjun's direction who sat at the far end of the long dining table.

"Who?" Joey asked, unsure who was Yiseul directing at.

"Hyunjunie?" Juyeon guessed and Yiseul nodded.

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