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After a long day at work, Joey returned back home to witness her friends being sneaky.


The boyz turned their heads and had their eyes widened in surprise by her presence. Sunwoo quickly closed the door they were peeking at while Eric ran to his sister with his pointy finger on his lips.

Knitting her eyebrows at the suspicious movements, Joey chinned up to Eric for an explanation.

With his nervous smile, Eric rubbed his nape then pointed at the living room. "Are you not coming in?"

"Oh right." Joey then looked down at her feet to take off her shoe and wear an indoor slipper afterwards.

But before she take any steps further, she caught another pair of shoes. "This shoe looks familiar..." Her words trailed off with her confused look.

"Your friend." Eric answered.

"She's here?" Joey tilted her head as she tried to grasp the confusing situation.

"With Hyunjun." Sunwoo smirked as he made his appearance near the siblings.

Feeling so lost, Joey batted her eyelashes. "What do you mean, wait, what's going on??"

"First thing first, let's head to the living room." Sunwoo suggested.

With her lips pressed firmly, Joey followed the young boyz to the living room and sat down on the couch. "So care to explain what's going on?"

Eric and Sunwoo looked at each other first before spilling half of the beans that they knew about the exes.

Jaw dropping, Joey finally understood why they seemed to have so much chemistry for someone whom she thought just met. "So they dated back in high school... But why none of you say anything??" She then pointed at herself in completing the sentence.

"Ah that's because he dated-" Sunwoo's words were cut off by Eric's sudden coughing.

Joey looked at her brother with her menacing stare as she knew that Eric was trying to stop Sunwoo from exposing Hyunjun's past. Noticing her stare, Eric backed down and avoided her gaze.

"So there's also a chance that they were classmates right? My boyfriend and her." Joey changed the topic as she did not really want to force the boyz from saying things that should be kept hidden.

"Guess so?" Sunwoo answered as he scratched his head, confused by her weird question.

Joey nodded. "Are they sleeping?" And the boyz nodded their heads. "Then I shall ask her if she has seen Juyeonie back in high school." She ended with her soft smile as she recalled seeing her boyfriend pictures in high school.

"Aren't you mad?" Eric asked.

Joey stood up from the couch with her eyes gazing down at the boyz. "I'm sure you guys only know his side of story but not hers. I'll just wait for her to tell me." She ended by shrugging her shoulders.

She then left to her room while the boyz were silently gawking at her coolness. "Swag."

"That's my sister." Eric proudly bragged his non-biological sister to his friend.

Sunwoo snorted and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, totally opposite of you."

"H-hey!" Eric frowned and slapped Sunwoo's chest.

Sunwoo returned a slap. "You will wake them up!" He hissed.

Eric clicked his tongue before getting his ass off the couch and stormed his way to his room.

"Ain't sharing you the pictures." Sunwoo shook his head before heading to his room as well.

What happened was, these two caught Hyunjun soundly asleep with Yiseul by his side also sleeping with her head on the bed. As they were still holding hands in their sleep, Sunwoo took pictures while they were fanboying at the closeness. Eric did not have his phone with him so Sunwoo already expected that he would be the one sharing the pictures. Being the friend he is, Sunwoo kept the pictures to himself and would only share if Eric begged him enough.


Next morning, Hyunjun woke up with the sun shining on him. With the intention of rubbing his eyes, he lifted his hands to only realize that he was holding on to Yiseul's hand. Mind blank, his eyes gaze at her sleeping in such an uncomfortable position.

He eventually unclasped their hands and sat up right then carefully got off the bed so as not to wake her up. Feeling much better than last night, he carried her in a bridal style and laid her down on the bed where he was sleeping. He pulled the blanket over her body and gently caressed her head to sleep when she was seen moving. I'm sorry...

After ensuring that she was back deep in her sleep, he left his room for a quick wash up. He then went to the kitchen for breakfast.

As he was making light breakfast, Joey popped up out of nowhere with her sleepy eyes. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Hyunjun turned his head before shifting his gaze back at the food in his hand. "Yeah..." He answered.

"I heard what happened between you and Yiseul." She started off that shocked the latter. "If you're planning to patch back, let me know and I'll definitely root for you guys." She shot her sincere smile.

Mouth agape in full of surprise, Hyunjun nodded slowly. "Thank you." Seems like she didn't know what really happened in our relationship. He came to conclusion since Joey should have been cursing him out for treating her precious friend badly if she knew the full story.

"For her?" Being naive, Joey asked with her eyes on the food.

Hyunjun nodded once again as he finished it up. "Can you give it to her when she's awake?"

Joey showed her puzzled look. "What about you?"

He then pointed back with his thumb, directing at the front door. "I'm going back to her office to get her car."

"Oh, okay sure then." She agreed with his request.

He showed his small smile before leaving the food to her. He went inside his room and carefully searched for Yiseul's car key. He eventually found it inside her bag and took one last look at her before leaving the room and closed the door behind.

Joey was in the living room when she watched Hyunjun walking back and forth before he finally headed out to get his ex's car. There seems to be a lot of things that I missed out.


Not wanting to trouble himself from getting himself sick again when he was still in recovery, Hyunjun took a taxi to Yiseul's station. His eyes wandered in search of her car in the parking lot.

The moment he found her car, he took out her car key from inside his side pocket of his jacket and pressed the button in unlocking the car.

But before he could even open the door, he was approached from behind. "Who are you?"

He turned his heels and met a suspicious yet scary vibe from the stranger who wore black mask and a cap. "Her friend." He answered nevertheless from the vibe he was getting.

The mask man frowned. "Where is she? Why isn't she in the office yet and why didn't she go back home last night?"

Hyunjun was baffled by the bombarded questions. "Who are you?" He questioned instead of answering.

"I'm her brother." Yeosang answered before shooting another question. Squinting his eyes for a better look, he guessed it right in the end. "You're her ex boyfriend, aren't you?"


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