Chapter VII: Safe

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"Love should not cause suffocation and death if it is truly love. Don't bundle someone into an uncomfortable cage just because you want to ensure their safety in your life. The bird knows where it belongs, and will never fly to a wrong nest."
(Michael Bassey Johnson)


The sexual desire and lust that was between them merely moments ago had quickly dispersed, now replaced with a suffocating atmosphere. Y/N felt Keigo's eyes trained on her as she unlocked the door to her shitty one bedroom apartment.

After arguing with him for over an hour, she finally agreed to stay with him in his apartment. He argued that she'd be safer with him, she argued how she'd survived on her own for five years without his help-- in the end she agreed because she knew he'd be watching over her either way. She'd somehow managed to convince him to fly her to her apartment at least so she could collect the little belongings she had. Originally she wanted to go on her own and come back, but Keigo refused to let her out of his sight, saying that it was too dangerous with Dabi and The League lurking in the streets. 

"Don't mind the mess... I'm not used to having company over much."

Keigo nodded silently to her words before following her inside the apartment, his gaze immediately observing the place Y/N had called "home" for the past five years. Y/N attempted to ignore him as she quickly moved around the room, gathering what little belongings she had into a small backpack. 

"Is this what I think it is?"

Y/N cursed under her breath as her gaze landed on Keigo, a small dagger in his right hand and fresh gauze in his left. This was originally why she wanted to go back to her apartment alone-- there were parts of her she wished he didn't have to see.

"Yeah... look Keigo I--"

"Promise me."

Keigo cut Y/N off, a determined look in his eyes as he made his way towards her. 

"Promise me that no matter what-- even if you disappear on me again, you'll never cut your wings."

Without answering, Y/N motioned for Keigo to give her the dagger and gauze, to which he reluctantly agreed. His curious gaze followed her movements as she made her way to what was the only enjoyable part of her apartment, the tiny fireplace. Lighting it, she waited till the fire grew large enough and then tossed the dagger along with the gauze into it. Keigo made his way next to her, silently standing by her side as they watched the materials that had caused her so much pain burn together.  

"I promise. And I don't plan on running away any time soon, so don't start losing sleep over the thought of it, alright pretty bird?"

Y/N smirked as she felt Keigo's feathers ruffle in excitement next to her at the sudden use of one of his old nicknames. His gaze snapped towards her, eyes wide as he processed what she had said to him. The last thing she expected however were the tears that appeared in the corner of his eyes as he stared at her.

"I never thought I would hear you call me that again."

The weight of his words made Y/N's heart ache, imaging all the sadness she had put him through by leaving him so suddenly that day. Keigo must've noticed her expression change because just as quickly as his tears appeared they were gone, a cheeky smile replacing his somber gaze.

"Anyways, so this is where you lived these past five years huh? It's umm--"

"A shithole, I know."

"Awe come on, it's not so bad! Your bed looks like it's quite comforta--"

Keigo stuttered as he fell back on her mattress, a loud creak echoing throughout the small room as his weight came crashing down on top of it. The surprised look on his face mixed with some of his stray feathers falling around him from the harsh impact of her brick of a mattress caused Y/N to burst out in laughter, a genuine smile spreading across her face.

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