Chapter XI: Falling Together

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Hi Everyone! I hope you have all been enjoying this story so far! I know it's been a bit of a slow start, but things are going to start to pick up from here! Just another reminder that this story does contain manga spoilers and will continue to do so! Also... this chapter has A LOT of spice at the end, just a warning! ;)  With that, please continue to enjoy and thank you for all of your support!

"How it felt to have the world moving beneath me, a hand gripping mine, knowing if I fell, at least I wouldn't do it alone."
 (Sarah Dessen, What Happened to Goodbye)

Waiting, staying still.

It was something Keigo hated more than anything. He was sitting on a rooftop, his eyes trained on Y/N as she sat on the ledge of a neighboring building, her legs casually swinging over the edge. Reluctantly, he had agreed to Y/N's plan which is why he was stuck watching from the sidelines-- waiting for their target to appear. 

"If it was you and I approaching him right off the bat, he'd be suspicious right away. Just trust me-- you said you were going to trust me this time, right birdbrain?"

Keigo knew her plan made sense, he knew it would be the best way to earn Dabi's trust, but he still hated watching Y/N put herself in danger. He knew she could handle herself as she's told him multiple times already, but he still couldn't help but worry as he saw the silhouette of Dabi appear, his figure slowly making its way towards Y/N.

"I gotta admit, didn't think you would be the one to come find me. What, birdbrain got tired of you already?"

Y/N tensed as she felt Dabi sit next to her, his hand finding its way to grip the back of her neck in warning. She ignored the feeling of his hot hand on her neck as she attempted to calm her breathing. This first interaction was going to be what makes or breaks their mission-- all she had to do was convince Dabi that she had changed her mind. Couldn't be that hard, right?

"What, I can't pay one of my closest friends a visit because I feel like it?"

She felt Dabi's hand tighten on the back of her neck as a deep chuckle escaped past his lips.

"So we're friends now, are we dollface?"

"We've always been friends, you burnt piece of garbage. You should be lucky I consider a jerk like you my friend anyways."

Y/N felt heat rise on the back of her neck as Dabi tightened his grip even more, the pressure on the back of her neck almost cutting off her airways.

"Let's cut the shit Y/N. I was actually going to come find you in a few days so you saved me the trouble of looking. Consider me not burning those pretty new wings of yours off as a thank you. Now, mind telling me why you came looking for me? Did that damn hero get tired of you already? I knew once he fucked you a few times he'd get tired and--"

"We want in."

Y/N's voice confidently interrupted Dabi, her sudden statement bringing his tantrum to a halt, his cerulean eyes snapping towards her direction in an instant.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, we want in. Hawks and I want to join The League, to fight against this corrupt society."

Y/N's response only caused Dabi's laughter to grow, his hand on the back of her neck becoming uncomfortably hot.

"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?"

"No I don't."

"Then why the hell did you think I would believe such a--"

"I'm not lying! I told him-- I told him everything, Dabi."

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