Chapter XVII: Too Close

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Over 4,00 words! This is one of the longest chapters I've written to date and I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty proud of it! I hope you all are continuing to enjoy this story just as much as I enjoy writing it! :) 

"When good people consider you the bad guy, you develop a heart to help the bad ones. You actually understand them."

(Criss Jami, Killosophy) 

"I'll be back soon. Cover for me if anyone gets suspicious alright babybird?"

"Of course. Be safe, I love you."

Y/N watched as Keigo smiled, kissing her forehead gently before spreading his wings and saluting to her with a goofy grin on his face.

"I love you too. Try not to miss me while I'm gone!"

Keigo's vermillion wings carried him into the sky, away from The Liberation's hideout, Y/N's gaze following his figure until he was nothing more than a speck in the distance. He was on his way to give Endeavor the book with the coded message, Y/N could only hope that he was smart enough to understand it. 

"Well, guess that's birdbrain's problem now huh?"

Muttering to herself, Y/N threw on a new pair of clothes, quickly getting herself ready before heading out of their newly assigned "room" in search of whatever League members she could find. Keigo had a job to do and so did she. Smiling to herself, Y/N put on the mask she was trained by the commission to use when undercover, an emotional mask that would fool anybody that she was on their side.

"Alright, let's go make some new friends shall we?"


"Y/N-chan, come hang out with me!"

Y/N didn't have to search for very long before she felt an excited Toga jump on her back, giggling most likely from the feeling of Y/N's electric wings tingling gently against her skin. Putting up her façade Y/N smiled, slowly stopping so that Toga could get off of her back.

"Sure Toga! I was just looking around for something to do so I'll gladly hang out with you! What do you want to do?"

Y/N had to suppress the chill that ran down her spine at the sight of Toga's creepy smile, her eyes wild as she stared back at Y/N.

"We can play with my knives! Come on, follow me!"

Reluctantly, Y/N walked side by side with Toga as she followed her to her room. Before being able to start a conversation herself, Toga threw a question at Y/N, knocking her off guard.

"So, you're really in love with Hawksy aren't ya?"  

"Yeah, I really am. He's my soulmate for life, that idiot bird. How about you Toga, do you have anyone you like?"

Following Toga into what she assumed was her assigned room Y/N watched as her face turned bright red, a lustful look in her eyes.

"Yeah I do! There's this boy named Izuku, he's really handsome when he's covered in blood. I think I'll get to see him soon, I can't wait!"

Disturbed, Y/N thought of something to say as she watched Toga take out a set of knives, laying them on a nearby table. Toga's room was much bigger than her and Keigo's, a set of targets lined up near the end of the room, multiple stab marks already put through them.

"You really like blood, don't you Toga?"

Smiling cheerfully, Toga handed Y/N a sharpened dagger, another blush rising to her cheeks.

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