Chapter XXIV: Declaration of War

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If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected ."
   (Sun Tzu, The Art of War) 

"Are you sure you're up for this babybird? If you don't want to participate I'm sure Endeavor-san and the others would understand--"

"It's find Kei, really. Besides I have some things to say to that asshole who is no doubt watching from somewhere."

Keigo intertwined his fingers with Y/N's, squeezing her hand in comfort as they stood just outside of the conference room. Both Keigo and Y/N could hear the angry rumble of the awaiting crowd, Best Jeanist and Endeavor making their way to stand next to the pair of birds.

"Everyone, let's do this."

Endeavor led the way as they headed into the conference room, the multiple eyes of pissed off civilians and news reporters following their every move. Y/N focused on her breathing to stay calm as she approached the seat that had her nametag in front of it, sitting down next to Keigo and intertwining their hands once more under the table, away from the prying gazes of the crowd. 

Y/N watched as Endeavor took charge of the room, his gaze focused on the crowd before them as well as the multiple news cameras that were pointed in their direction.

"What my son Touya said, it's the truth. There is nothing I can say that will mask the truth so let me be up front with you all right here and now."

Endeavor wasted no time in telling his story, making sure to leave out not even a single detail. Y/N couldn't help but feel slight anger towards the fiery man as the details of Touya's rough treatment were brought into the limelight for all to hear. She already had heard the stories from Touya himself during their childhood, but hearing them come from the man who had technically started it all himself even brought out her inner anger. She had no doubt that Dabi was watching his father from somewhere as he confessed to all of his sins, a grin stretching across his stapled face.  

"Please.. tell us you're lying... Tell us you're lying!!! You say that it's the truth, but the allegations against Best Jeanist and Hawks weren't!"

As Endeavor finished his story the crowd erupted into madness, reporters and civilians alike yelling angrily. Y/N felt Keigo squeeze her hand once more before he untwined their fingers and stood up, his amber gaze and deep voice gaining the attention of the crowd within an instant. Y/N followed his lead and stood up as well, the attention of the crowd finally landing on her as well.

"Mr. Jeanist faked his death so that both myself and Y/N could infiltrate The League as spies. Though the rest of the allegations can not be debunked-- my father's criminal history and the death of the villain who tried to escape are both true. For hiding my connection with my father, I deeply apologize."

Y/N watched as Keigo bowed apologetically towards the crowd, his amber gaze glazing over as he lifted his head back up and apologized for the killing of Twice. Even though she herself was upset due to Twice's death, she understood why it had to be done. It's not like she agreed with killing, but the villains would kill heros without a second thought-- so why is it looked down upon if a hero has to kill a villain for the safety of others?

"As for the death of Bubaigawara, there was no other course of action that I felt was appropriate at the moment. If his duplication quirk was left unchecked, it would have caused far more harm to society-- and that was something as a hero that I couldn't let happen. I wasn't able to avoid violence-- and for that I once again deeply apologize."

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