Chapter XXII: Burns

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Author's Note: From this point on things are really going to branch off from the original story! Even though I am almost caught up to the manga in terms of Hawks and Dabi's story, I'll be continuing like normal! I got some good ideas for what is to come so I hope you all continue to enjoy! :)

"Time heals all wounds. But not this one. Not yet."

     (Marie Lu, Champion) 

"Admit it Doll, you want me to burn you, to mark you more."

Y/N tried replying, but nothing came out, words failing to reach her lips. All she could feel was a burning sensation, the sound of her neck sizzling under his rough grip while her arms felt as though they were on fire. 

"Can I take your silence as a sign to continue? Though, I guess I'd continue whether you wanted me to or not. I can't wait to see the look in that asshole's eyes-- he won't even be able to look at you with my mark so blatantly on your body. That birdbrain will never want you anymore, knowing you've been tainted-- by me."

Y/N struggled as much as she could against his hold, but her body refused to listen as it stayed limp against his grip. She shivered as she felt his hot breath fan her ear, his teeth digging in painfully against her earlobe. 

"Birdbrain will no longer want you and it's apparent you don't want me, so what'll you do Y/N? Back to your useless vigilante work to make yourself feel better? You'll be all alone-- maybe you should've jumped off that rooftop long ago. Maybe I shouldn't have stopped you."


That was the first thing Y/N could think of as she shot up out of bed from that nightmare, her hands clutching at her throat which felt like it was on fire. Feeling the gauze that was wrapped around her throat and looking down to see both her arms wrapped up just the same she felt her body relax. Somehow, someway, she had made it to the hospital. 

"How did I--"

The sliding door opening interrupted Y/N's thoughts, none other than the bird headed boy from before entering the room.


"Hello Mrs. Y/N. Glad to see you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Upon hearing Y/N's raspy voice, Tokoyami immediately went to the water dispenser in the back corner of the room, handing Y/N the cold glass of water as he walked towards her. Gratefully, Y/N took the glass, gulping the refreshing liquid down in seconds which aided the raspy tone of her voice, but didn't do much to lessen the burning sensation that continued to consume her throat. 

"I've been better, but I'll manage. Kei--Hawks. How's Hawks??"

"His condition is stable and the doctor said he should be waking up soon. I never got to tell him that message, so make sure you tell him yourself."

Y/N nodded towards the boy who sat beside her and she couldn't help but stare at him, taking in his features-- he was so young. That's one thing she could agree with Dabi on, kids shouldn't have to be put through this, they shouldn't have to participate in this war. But she also couldn't ignore the fact that without Tokoyami, both her and Keigo would've died, burnt to a crisp by Dabi's flames.

"Tokoyami, it was you who saved me wasn't it? All I remember before passing out was a black object flying towards me... I didn't think I was going to make it if I'm being honest."

"That was me, yes. As soon as I dropped Hawks off here, I flew right back to where you were. I just had a feeling that you'd need help so I flew back as soon as I could. I'm sorry I didn't get there fast--"

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