Chapter XIV: Jealous Bird

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Warning: Spice! That is all ;)

"And yes, I'll admit, I am jealous. I'm jealous of every minute you spend with him, of every concerned expression you send his way, of every tear shed, of every glance, every touch, and every thought. I want to rip him to pieces and purge him from your mind and from your heart. But I can't."

(Colleen Houck)

Y/N could feel the tenseness in the air, golden eyes following her every move as she opened the balcony sliding door and stepped inside Keigo's apartment. Keigo looked the same as he had earlier that day, clothes ragged and open wounds littering his body from his fight with the high-end nomu. 


Without even having a moment to speak, Y/N felt one of Keigo's large hands clasp onto hers, quickly pulling her with him as he made his way to the bathroom. Once there, Y/N jumped at the sound of Keigo slamming the door shut, his gaze never leaving her figure as he leaned against the door and crossed his arms, cutting off her only means of escape.


Widening her eyes in surprise, Y/N gaped at Keigo, his cold gaze sending chills down her spine.


Annoyed by her question Keigo rolled his eyes, using his right hand to gesture up and down at her figure.

"I said, strip."

"But, I don't need to--"

In an instant, Y/N felt Keigo's hot breath fan her face, their bodies merely inches apart. Keigo's hands were clenched into fists at his side, an intense anger radiating off of his body in waves. The warm and loving eyes she was used to seeing were replaced with what Y/N could only describe as one thing-- jealousy.

"I can barely stand being in the same room with you right now-- I can barely touch you. His smell-- that fucker's imprint on you is everywhere. Your clothes, your skin, your hair-- it's repulsive. So strip-- and don't make me ask you again or I swear I'll throw you in that damn shower myself." 

"Keigo, you know I didn't--"

Y/N reached out to touch Keigo, but was rejected as he backed away quickly as if burned by her touch, his eyes cast down to the floor. She could feel her heart breaking as she looked at Keigo through her brimming tears, anger, sadness, and jealousy filling his features as he purposely put a distance between them. At first glance, anyone would think Keigo is a cocky son of a bitch with an iron wall of defenses put up at all times. However, Y/N knows after growing up with him just how self conscious he actually is, just how much he blames himself on the daily.

Wiping the tears from eyes, Y/N made her way towards Keigo, using her wings to close the distance between them instantly, leaving Keigo with barely enough time to react as he felt Y/N's forehead press against his, her hands clutching at his back as she hugged him. She felt Keigo's body tense under her touch, his arms staying still at his sides refusing to return her embrace. He didn't make a move to push her away however so Y/N took it as a sign for her to continue.

"Kei, Dabi didn't-- we didn't do anything. I would never fucking do something with him cause in case you need a reminder-- you're the one I'm head over heels for, you're the one I love more than anything in this shitty ass world. He took me to his place to talk, but he didn't touch me-- we just talked, that's all we did."

"The commission did this. And this..."

"I swear, that's all we did Keigo."

Y/N bit her lip in anticipation, waiting for his response. He had touched her, but not in that way-- at least, Y/N hoped not in that way. Touya had always been touchy with her too since childhood, Y/N excusing the scene from moments ago as Touya's actions, not those of the cold-blooded murderer Dabi that she has come to know. 

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