Chapter XVI: If it's Right, Why Does it Feel So Wrong?

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"Don't be scared. Don't let them see."
  (Alexandra Bracken, The Darkest Minds) 

"I believe that Shigaraki Tomura is the true liberator! He has earned my utmost respect and thus, I am abdicating my position out of necessity! The Liberation Army will now undergo it's second coming, with Tomura Shigaraki at the helm as our supreme leader! An in order to follow our newfound path to liberation, The Superpower Liberation Army and The League of Villains shall join together and take on a new name!"

Cheers filled the room as none other than The League themselves walked onto stage, Dabi's wide grin and glowing cerulean eyes somehow finding Keigo and Y/N from within the huge crowd. They returned Dabi's grin, but on the inside they were anything but calm-- Dabi said he was going to introduce them to the boss, but this was beyond anything they could have ever imagined-- The Paranormal Liberation Front....

Amidst the cheering crowd, Y/N felt a warm hand engulf hers, Keigo's grip so tight that there was no doubt his knuckles were turning white underneath his gloves. They were only able to make eye contact for a second, but Y/N knew just from one glance what Keigo was feeling, what he was trying to convey.

"We're too late, fuck."

It was true, they were too late. With the forces that Shigaraki had under him now, he wouldn't only be a threat to the heros, but to society itself. An army unified under one will, Feel Good Inc and their vast network, Detnerat Co, and most likely, several high-end nomu. If the hero commission isn't able to pull something together quickly, society has no hope. 

Y/N felt Keigo release her hand as the crowd began to disperse, Shigaraki and his men dismissing everyone after their introduction. As they made their way to where Dabi was, Y/N felt the multiple gazes of those around them following their every movements, the sight of the #2 hero causing everyone to be surprised. Keigo was getting stopped every second, excited faces greeting him and asking what he was doing there. Y/N watched from the sidelines as a crowd surround him, her figure being disregarded compared to the charming #2 hero.

"He sure is popular huh?"

Y/N flinched slightly as she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders, hot breath fanning her ear as Dabi stood next to her, his gaze trained on the laughing hero as he interacted with the excited crowd. Y/N allowed herself to relax into Dabi's touch, a light laugh leaving her lips as she followed Dabi's gaze.

"He always has been, guess some things never change. You aren't jealous of his charming personality, are you Dabi?"

Y/N felt Dabi's chest rumble with laughter against her, his gaze switching from Keigo to meet Y/N's crimson gaze. Catching Y/N off guard, Dabi took her chin within his left hand, a smile forming on his lips as he kept her gaze.

"Of that birdbrain? No, but it seems like he's still as jealous as always."

At Dabi's words, Y/N felt herself being pulled back by the hood of her sweatshirt, a feather tugging her away from Dabi's touch and into the chest of Keigo.

"Dabi, didn't I tell you to keep your hands off of my babybird?"

"Awe come on, don't be like that hero. I was just being friendly is all. Isn't that right Y/N?"

Y/N rolled her eyes at the two boys, swatting Keigo's arms off of her slightly annoyed by his jealous reaction.

"Can you two quit it already? We're supposed to be working together, stop it with the childish feud. Now that we're here, care to introduce us to the rest of The League? I'd like to meet my new teammates."

Dabi smirked at Y/N, once again wrapping an arm around her shoulders and motioning for Keigo to follow with his other hand. 

"Sure thing Dollface. Come on birdbrain, I guess I'll be nice and introduce you too." 

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