Chapter XXIII: Moving Forward

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"We cannot have a world where everyone is a victim. "I'm this way because my father made me this way. I'm this way because my husband made me this way." Yes, we are indeed formed by traumas that happen to us. But then you must take charge, you must take over, you are responsible."
     (Camille Paglia)

"Does it hurt?"

Y/N scoffed lightly as Keigo's question as she helped to drape his hero jacket over his shoulders. After their moment in the bathroom, Y/N had separated herself from Keigo's embrace, gathering his things so they could make their way to Endeavor's room. She could still feel Keigo's amber gaze following her every move, his eyes trained on the now uncovered burn on her neck. She knew Keigo was trying his best to not bombard her with questions about it, though his first question made her roll her eyes since he too was suffering from multiple burns and knew exactly what she was feeling.

"I don't know birdbrain, do yours?"

Putting a hand on her shoulder, Keigo's gaze softened, his eyes still trained on her neck.

"I'm sorry, that was a stupid question. I'm trying my best not to lose my cool here so cut me some slack alright?"

Shaking her head in apology, Y/N let Keigo wrap an arm around her shoulder for support, Y/N using his body for support as well as they made their way to exit the small hospital bedroom. Keigo's gaze was still trained onto Y/N's figure, his golden eyes clearly visible in her peripheral as they slowly made their way towards Endeavor's room. She knew Keigo was still patiently waiting for an actual answer to his question, her gaze meeting his slightly from the corner of her eye as she continued to lead them forward. 

"It's like-- a constant burning that never fades... it hurts, but it's like I'm almost already numb to the feeling at this point. I wonder if that's how Touya has felt all these years?"

Keigo stayed silent, his gaze hardening over at the mention of Touya's name. Y/N didn't even know why that last question left her lips, her care for the villain who marked her so violently should've been nonexistent-- but the thought of little Touya with white hair and bright cerulean eyes being in the pain she felt right now was a thought that saddened her. Keigo didn't seem to share the same sadness as his grip on her waist tightened, a murderous glint in his gaze.

"He won't feel numb to it all for much longer-- that bastard's death will be anything, but painless. That, I'll make sure of."

Silently nodding along to Keigo's declaration of war, Y/N took a deep breath before turning the handle to Endeavor's room, the conversation stopping and all eyes turning towards the pair of beaten and burned birds as they entered the room. 

"Hawks and..."

Y/N and Keigo weren't expecting to interrupt a family reunion, but that's what seemed to happen as Endeavor, his children, and his wife stared back at them with surprised looks on their faces. Endeavor was the first to speak, his gaze traveling from Keigo to Y/N, pain immediately flooding his features as he recognized that little girl from all those years ago-- a girl who now had the mark of his son blatantly engraved on her throat. 

"You're the little girl from all those years ago..."

Walking forward with Keigo's arm wrapped around her shoulder still, Y/N made her way towards Endeavor, stopping directly by his bedside, ignoring the looks of his family members as she stepped between them.

"The orphan you left at a fucked up commission facility without even giving her a moment to explain herself? Yup, that's me. The name's Y/N. Glad to see I made enough of an impact for the #1 hero himself to recognize me."

Y/N heard Keigo open his mouth to alleviate the tension and no doubt scold her for her cold introduction, but Endeavor's deep voice beat him to it, his head hung low in shame.

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