Chapter XXV: Goodbye

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"A careful, fortunate few cherish that flame, nurture it, hold it as a torch to light their way. But once that flame goes out, it's gone forever."

     (Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart)

5 Years Ago~

"That's it, really? Not even a goodbye huh?"

Y/N jumped at the raspy voice behind her, her heart beating heavily as she almost fell off of the edge of the rooftop she was standing on. Turning around she was met with Touya-- or as he preferred to be called now Dabi. His cerulean gaze was glowing with a mix of emotions as his gaze pierced through her. 

"Dabi... I wasn't planning on--"

"Cut me the crap Y/N. You look like you're two seconds away from breaking down or jumping off this damn roof. I wasn't going to bother you about the cutting of your wings-- if that helps you deal with your shit somehow then that's on you. But killing yourself? I didn't think you were someone who would just take the easy way out."

Stepping away from the edge of the roof, Y/N took a step towards Dabi, her hands grabbing at her hair in frustration. 

"Well what the hell am I supposed to do Dabi!? Every damn time I close my eyes I see his face, I hear his voice-- I can't even escape him in my dreams. I can never see him again because of the damn commission, I can't live a normal life, my dream of being a hero was never attainable in the first place-- what the fuck do I do? It's just me and your stupid burnt ass now and I'm pretty sure you'll get tired of me soon and leave--"

"Can you not be a reckless idiot for once?"

Y/N was speechless as she was suddenly brought into Dabi's warm chest, his arms firmly encasing around her and pulling her towards him. He rested his chin on top of her head, his grip tightening around her.

"For once you're not being watched, not being told what to do by anyone. You should do what you want Y/N, follow in your mom's footsteps and become a vigilante-- I don't fucking know! Just do something besides wallowing in your own self pity, it's depressing. And as much as you do piss me off sometimes, we're friends. My burnt ass won't be leaving you alone unless you want me to-- but next time you try and jump I won't come to save your sorry ass-- remember that doll."

Gripping Dabi's jacket, Y/N nuzzled her face into his chest, missing the obvious blush that covered Dabi's cheeks. She looked up to find him looking away awkwardly, a slight tinge of red left on his face. Laughing, she separated herself from Dabi's embrace, her crimson gaze glowing mischievously.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to get all soft on me there. Someone does care!"

"Shut up doll. Don't make me take back--"

Reaching up, Y/N ruffled Dabi's new jet black hair, a small smile on her face as she stared at a dumbfounded Dabi, her action causing him to be at a loss for words.

"Dabi, thank you."

"Ye--yeah, whatever."


Y/N opened her eyes feeling a familiar presence behind her, a sad smile gracing her features at the memory she had been thinking of. She was on the same rooftop as that day-- the same rooftop that Dabi had stopped her from jumping from multiple times despite what he had said.

"You're such a hypocrite you know that? That night, you said you wouldn't save me if I attempted to jump again-- but you showed up every time. I'm assuming this time you're here for another reason though-- isn't that right Touya?"

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