Chapter IX: No Turning Back Now

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"If you're tired of starting over, then you need to learn to stick through and overcome difficult things instead of running away from them."
 (Jeanette Coron)

The next few days were like a hurricane-- with the fall of All Might and the rise of crime rates, Keigo was busier than ever. Especially now that he holds the title of the #2 hero. 

That's why Y/N found herself leaning against the railing of his huge balcony, her eyes concentrated on the city lights below. It's been nearly a week since the retirement of All Might, a week since she's had more than a five minute conversation with Keigo-- a week being trapped in the cage known as Keigo's apartment. Since Keigo was stressed already since he was now harboring the responsibilities of the #2 hero, Y/N agreed to not leave the apartment on her own, no matter how much it pained her to do so. 

Keigo, being so grateful that Y/N kept her end of the bargain, promised that he would get some time off by the end of the week so that he could teach Y/N how to use her wings once more-- her wings that had already grown back to their full size. Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine as the wings on her back ruffled in the wind, the full grown wings still a tad bit sensitive. Having wings was like having multiple fresh nerve endings, her wings being able to pick up even the most distant sounds of the jingle of a door opening at an izakaya or the faint ringtone of someone's phone from hundreds of feet below where people roamed the busy streets. That was the one good thing that came from being left alone for almost a week-- Y/N was able to regain control of her senses, not easily becoming overpowered by the multiple sounds of the city since she was able to spend time on the balcony, immersing herself in the chaotic environment of Fukuoka. Spending time alone has also helped Y/N to regain control of the electricity that was being constantly elicited from her wings-- the empty apartment providing a quiet space in which she could focus on controlling the power she had once been the master of. 

The one thing she couldn't practice on her own however was her ability to fly-- something she has been dreading, but at the same time something she's been excited for. Hence why she felt adrenaline run through her body as she caught the familiar sight of vermillion wings cutting through the night sky as they sped towards her direction. Y/N barely had time to collect herself as Keigo swopped down, collecting her in one fluid motion before quickly taking off towards the night sky again. 

"What the hell birdbrain! A little warning would've been nice."

Y/N felt the deep vibrations of Keigo's chuckle, her body snug to his chest as he flew them towards the outskirts of the city to a more secluded area where they could fry freely without the worry of prying eyes. She could feel his golden eyes already focused on her as he looked down towards her with a smile.

"Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. Miss me babybird?"

"Like I'd ever miss an idiot like you."

Y/N's response caused Keigo's laughter to continue, his arms tightening around her as they neared their destination.

"I don't know... the way you're hugging me so tightly makes me think otherwise."

Y/N felt her cheeks heat up at his accusation, burying her head in his chest quickly before Keigo could take notice of her flustered state himself.

"I just don't want you to drop me, idiot."

Keigo laughed at Y/N's muffled words, choosing not to push her any further as he safely landed them on top of an old building, one that seems to not have been used in at least a few years. Y/N's gaze trailed around the seemingly abandoned area of the city, only a few people roaming the dark streets below.

"Where are we?"

"A part of the city that is hardly inhabited, most people here just mind their own business and couldn't care less as to why the #2 hero is here. I thought it would be a good place for you to practice flying."

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