Chapter XIII: Wounds that Never Heal

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"Some pieces couldn't be glued back together. Some people weren't for fixing. Sometimes, the only thing to do was burn the whole fucking world down and start again."

 (Abigail Haas, Dangerous Boys) 

"That wasn't according to the plan, Dabi."

If looks could kill, Dabi would be a hundred feet under by now, Keigo's glare sending chills down Y/N's spine as he quickly appeared between her and Dabi, one of his large feathers pointing in Dabi's direction. Y/N went to step in between the pair, but was pushed back as Keigo blocked her with his body in a protective gesture. 

"I thought you only had baby feathers left. What's with the hostility, huh hero?"

"You think I'd meet with a liar like you unarmed?"

Y/N watched as Dabi rolled his eyes, casually putting his hands behind his head as he observed the pissed off hero. She could feel Keigo's body tense up against her as Dabi approached them lazily, a nasty grin on his face.

"It was supposed to be downtown at the factory by the water tomorrow, not today in broad daylight with civilians everywhere. Plus, that nomu was clearly stronger than any we have seen before, a little warning would have been nice."

"Sorry hero, guessed I changed my mind. You handled it though, so what's the problem?"

At this, Y/N stepped forward against Keigo's wishes, putting herself in between the pair before they ripped each other's heads off. Spreading her wings wide in an act to separate the men, Y/N glared at both of them. The two had always had a rivalry of sorts since they were younger and it seems that it never went away-- in fact, it seems to have only gotten worse. 

"Enough. The nomu's strength was tested, Endeavor's injured, and you did your part in saving the civilians Hawks. We're supposed to be working together, so where is fighting going to get us?"

Dabi's laughter filled the air as he swung his arm lazily over Y/N's shoulders, pulling her into his side with a wide grin. Y/N could see what little that was left of Keigo's feathers ruffle with anger at Dabi's action.

"Yeah, listen to your girlfriend Hawks. I got what I wanted, you kept your reputation as a hero-- in the end it was a win-win situation right?"

Reluctantly, Hawks sheathed his feathers, his golden gazed still zeroed in on the burnt arm that was wrapped around Y/N- his girl.

"Fine, but next time a little warning would be nice if the plans change. I'm assuming Y/N carried out her role as well?"

With a grin, Dabi produced the file of documents Y/N had stolen for him, pulling them from where they were tucked into his pants. Keigo tried his best to see what the documents said, but Dabi noticed his glace, immediately tucking them back into his pants.

"She did well and with no complaints, unlike you hero."

Y/N could cut the tension in the air with a knife, the two men glaring at each other. Just as she was about to shrug Dabi's arm from off her shoulders and approach Hawks, she felt herself getting pulled back into Dabi's chest, his deep voice sending vibrations through her body as he addressed Keigo.

"I guess you did well enough however, I can't let you meet with the boss just yet. There's still some things I need you to do before I can trust you fully. I mean, what kind of villain would trust the #2 hero right off the bat, right?"

"Fine, but understand, everything I do, I do for The League."

Dabi smirked at Hawks's statement, his grip tightening on Y/N's shoulder. Y/N wanted nothing more than to break free of his grasp and run into Keigo's arms, her concern for his multiple opened wounds causing her to almost break the façade she needed to keep up with Dabi.

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