Scene 8 - Deep Space

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We return to the Zero X. A blue beam flashes past, and we see the mighty Zero X craft. Around us is an area filled with nothing else but a black void. The ship slowly continues flying through this weird area of space, and then we cut inside to the control room.


Well, here we are.


We could be anywhere here. Instrumentation all running satisfactorily. We are in a vacuum for sure. But it's a little uncanny not to see any planets or stars around us.


I can't pinpoint our position anywhere in the universe. We're somewhere where our satellites and radar haven't even scratched the surface yet.

The doors open, and the seats of Dr Pierce and Dr Grant are elevated. The doors close afterwards. They are all sat in the positions they were from the first feature film.


Dr Pierce? Dr Grant? Where do you make out where we could be?


Practically anywhere in the universe. And by the fact that there is nothing out there means that we could be outside the universe as we know it.


That is an interesting expression, Doctor. How you describe life as we know it.


How do you mean?


I fear in the present circumstances, that we may encounter life as we don't know it.

Zero X continues to slowly head deeper into the blackness.


Let's keep going. How's our toxerlene fuel?


Fine, Paul.


You know, I kind of get the feeling that we are about to splat into some sort of invisible wall.


In terms of the technical data, length 1,190 feet, wingspan 780 feet, and a weight of 11,460 tons, if we went into an invisible wall who knows where our bits will fall to.


If we were in trouble, how fast will we get out?


Our standard acceleration is 1g. Maximum acceleration is 10g, and the emergency acceleration is at 15g.


And our engines?


Well, the nose cone features 2 Rosenthal-Hodge Dynamics sustainer rockets. Lifting bodies one and two feature eight variable cycle turbo ram jets, four under each wing. There are five centrally mounted variable-mode gas turbine jets and two wing-tip booster jet engines.


The main body has eight variable mode engines operating as chemical rockets in space, or as variable-cycle jet engines using air intakes in atmospheric flight. 2 pitch and yaw rockets.


The MEV features two chemical rocket boosters rockets and a Variable-mode gravity generator providing internal artificial gravity. Additional lift and hover capabilities on planetary surfaces are also included and during take-off.


Interesting. We seem all prepared in case there is an emergency.


Oh, we are, Dr Pierce. We are.

We see the Zero X continue floating through the black void.

Well, have we got any more theories about this place?


The ship is currently taking samples of the vacuum around us. If it's anything new for the scientists to explore.


It has also crossed my mind that we could be in an entirely different universe altogether. A universe separated from our own, or one that has no form of life or creation of anything. We could be in something like a parallel or a pocket universe if you pardon the science-fiction terms.


I get what you mean. Only it sounds like we've been watching too many movies and reading too many comic strips.


It is an interesting possibility. We could be in a realm where the rules of physics and science could be bent and twisted into unimaginable creations.

A blinding light beams out from the front. It grows and grows as they approach.


Ah! What is that?


Heatshield! Quickly!


I can't seem to make out what it is. But we're headed right for it!


Steer us away from it!


I can't! It's like it's taking us in!

We see from the view of the control room that the light expands and encompasses them. The brightness shines at us as we are left to a white void...

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