Scene 26 - Opening...

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By now, all four of them have dug a substantial amount. They continue digging and digging, tiring out a little.


Phew! Never had to do this much labour since last time I ended up behind bars. Other than today of course.


I don't wanna sound a little pessimistic, but aren't the town going to finally realise that we are out?

They all turn to look at each other.


You have a point there. Come on. Let's finish this up.

They dig faster and faster. We watch the angry town charging after the trail, seeing various shots of them before cutting back to the digging. This will then return to the mob, before back to Lady Penelope and the others leaning downwards to continue digging. Lady Penelope's shovel smashes against something metal.


I think I've got something!

They begin digging around the area Penelope showed. The others hit something metal too and move the mud away to reveal something blue in the ground – metallic and filled with lumps and dents in it. The mob continue following along the tracks.


They're coming!

Parker knocks his shovel onto it with a big sigh. BANG! The ground begins to rumble, quickly! The mob arrive and aim their guns at the four of them.


I've been waiting for this moment!

The others jump away from where the blue metal buried in the ground was at.


Kill them!

The townspeople raise their guns at them. The vibrations dramatically worsen! The horses spook and throw off their riders and then sprint off. The horses/donkeys that were Penelope's, Parker's and Rigby's spook too. The townspeople panic. Some of them scream and run off. The others are thrown to the floor as the tremor worsens. The metal explodes out a blue beam into the sky! We then see the TVR19 with Fischler inside jamming away at some music he plays. Totally oblivious to any of the instrument and danger warnings alerting him by diagrams in front of him or their warning sirens, he cannot hear/see them. His eyes are shut, and with his large white headphones enjoying his exceedingly loud music, he is totally unaware of the danger. His seat is also faced in the other direction to the control panel, and when he eventually swivels around and opens his eyes, he is shocked by what is presented before him. Fischler throws off his seat and begins to frantically steer his ship away from danger. He cannot alter course!


Oh, err, right, erm, this is TVR19 to Glenn Field! I'm having a bit of a problem! Well, it's not really a bit, actually, quite a lot!

The hologram of the Controller appears.


TVR19, you are 120 degrees off course. Can you correct? Repeat, can you correct?

The controls go insane. Fischler can hardly control them.


Negative! I am drifting off course and gaining altitude rapidly!

In Assembly Control, the route for the TVR19 collision is calculated. The Controller sees that its destination is in one hour's time. Fischer's hologram is on the monitor for the Controller.


TVR19, can you override the malfunction?


I can't! Something is dragging me down to Earth! I can't hold her!

We see his ship then speeding off into the distance, heading away deeper into space.


Whatever has happened to your ship could also happen to the Zero X and XL. TVR19, your collision course is in fifty-nine minutes and forty seconds!

The hologram for Ned Tedford in his SKR5 appears.


Erm, Control, something has gone a bit haywire in here! I can't steer her! We're going out of control!

We now see the SKR5 hurtling through space, following an orbit around the Earth. This then cuts to seeing Ned holding his plant as he frantically tries to control the spacecraft.

I can't hold her! I can't do a thing! Nothing is responding!

The SKR5 continues hurtling away again – further and further away into space. Danger was imminent...

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