Scene 28 - Thunderbirds Are Go!

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All of the members aboard the Zero XL have now materialized back to the lounge on Tracy Island. Grandma is ecstatic about the return of her family. The Mechanic has arrived in.






Penelope and Parker are in trouble.


Yes Grandma, and we know what that energy is – and know how to put it out. Seems as though the Matter is helping us even now. And for the better it seems.

He scans the area around Tracy Island to survey where the ships are located.

Good. They put all our ships back in their hangers! And the XL is at its launch pad.


Sure made things a lot easier. Sometimes it's nice not to do that much in a rescue, and it's not like it was even boring.

Jeff has begun to monitor the surrounding area and the ships being dragged into Harmony.


We still have a lot to do Alan. Impact now fifty-five minutes.


Then let's get going.


Right. Now, this is what we do. Scott, Thunderbird 1!


Yes sir!

Scott leaves.


Virgil, Gordon, Captain, the Mechanic, and MAX – Thunderbird 2.


F.A.B. father.


Alan and John – Thunderbird 3. Kayo, Thunderbird Shadow. Brains, you stay here and sort yourself out. And get yourself a new pair of glasses whilst you're at it. Alright then, Thunderbirds Are Go!

The music commences. Stock footage can be reused for this feature film adaption. Scott holds onto his lights as pulls them down as is rotated around. Virgil has been lowered backwards to slip down his slide. Once he is locked into position, he then accelerates away down the shaft. Alan and Gordon are lowered down in the black seats to the shaft to Thunderbird 3 silo. They are then elevated to their right as we cut to see Scott arriving at the Thunderbird 1 hanger. He is elevated towards his craft, and eventually sits in his seat and placed inside. Virgil now sees the light at the end of the tunnel as the shaft reaches Thunderbird 2. He arrives at the bar, grabs hold of it, jumps down, and seals up his craft from the roof. The Pods then beginning running underneath Thunderbird 2 until we reach Pod 5. Kayo's motorbike has now been assembled along with the rest of her craft, as Alan and John are now placed inside the cockpit of Thunderbird 3. Back in Thunderbird 1's hanger, instead of being raised, Thunderbird 1 is lowered downwards to find its launch bay.

Thunderbird 2 is lowered down to attach up with Pod 5, We see from the exterior of the runway that the rocks begin sliding down, and a runway is lowered for Thunderbird 2. The light from the sun beams down onto the craft, as Gordon and the rest of the Thunderbird 2 crew arrive, being raised into Thunderbird 2 from underneath. With the entrance clear, we see Thunderbird 2 carefully taxi out steadily with shots from the right of the craft looking in towards the hanger. We see from right down the runway Thunderbird 2 dead ahead of us. The palm trees fall to allow access. Now we view Thunderbird 2's colossal body continuing to taxi along the runway. Back in Thunderbird 1's hanger, instead of being raised, Thunderbird 1 is lowered downwards to find its launch bay. Scott pulls his levers back as Thunderbird 1 reaches the correct position by the time the swimming pool has opened.

Thunderbird 3's hanger is sealed up, and Thunderbird Shadow has been turned around ready for launch. The Thunderbirds are ready to launch. Thunderbird 2 is raised by the platform slowly whilst its retractable blast shield opens up. As we cut from Thunderbirds Shadow, 3, 2 and 1... 5...4...3...2...1! KABOOM! We have zoomed back from Thunderbird 1 to see the craft begin rocketing up. Thunderbird 1 passes up from the swimming pool, blasting off from Tracy Island, and soaring into the sky. KABOOM! Thunderbird 2 begins launching up from the runway and with Virgil, Gordon, the Mechanic, Captain Taylor, and MAX inside, the ship heads up and up and up. Thunderbird 3 blasts upwards, out from the hanger, up into the sky, and off into space. Lastly, Thunderbird Shadow blasts its motors and is released off to hurry away. The four Thunderbirds accelerate off from Tracy Island.


Thunderbirds Are Go!

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