Scene 9 - Survey

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We return to the Zero XL, now at their destination to where Jeff was stranded. They recover from the force experienced when they blasted there. The ship flies some distance away from an asteroid collection of rocks and debris floating in space.


We made it!


That's right. We're here again. Old home from home. This is the same baby that I spent years in. We'll collect as many samples as we can and then return to Earth. Brains, you and MAX stay here aboard the Zero XL. The ship will take a good scan of the vacuum around us. Thunderbirds 3 and Shadow will explore the area around us, and Thunderbirds 1 and 2 will venture into the asteroid belt.




Well, it's sure glad to be out with you exploring space again Tracy. Just like old times.


It sure is, Captain. We will both head out in Thunderbird 1. Gordon and John will join Virgil in Thunderbird 2.


Let's get to work.


Say, before we go, would anybody be up for a jelly baby?


Ooh, ooh. Me, me!


Alan? Those kind of kid sweets? At a time like this?


Ah come on, Kayo. We could be out there for some time.


It seems fitting that we eat some jelly babies when we are travelling through the galaxy. You're going to have to pick your colour blindly.

Alan covers his eye with one hand and uses the other to pick inside the white pack. Taylor sways the pack around, so he doesn't get a good colour.


Hay, are you moving them about?


Space gravity, kiddo.

Alan takes one up – and is disappointed to find it's a lime one.

Better luck next time, Alvin.


It's Alan, remember!

They have all left to board the Thunderbirds. Thunderbirds 1, 2, 3 and Shadow disassemble and blast off. Thunderbirds 1 and 2 blast off into the asteroids, and Thunderbirds 3 and Shadow head off elsewhere. We see inside the ships of the Thunderbird crafts; the personnel aboard are whom Jeff designated.


Approaching asteroid belt.


Right, Scott. But if there is any sign of trouble, then we will all assist.


F.A.B. dad!

Thunderbirds 1 and 2 enter into the asteroid belt.


Well, do we take samples of the rocks?


We can do that first.

Thunderbird 3 and Shadow head out into the distance to the strange clouds.

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